Standard bred Sumatras

I too have been out looking at my birds combs. The easier ones to catch got caught and I took some pictures of the comb (or at least I tried to
) I'll post them later, so we can discuss the combs some more.
Nice to see you still around!

This is one of the things that gets me but not madre. We had some birds from McMurray last year that had actual 3 ridged pea combs but they had single spurs so they had to go. I have gotten into arguments with people about this, seems like a majority of breeders always basically say "Well they all have the weird combs so they aren't meant to have a normal pea comb" kind of thing. I say that since we are supposed to bred to the standard, that people start breeding for the pea comb as the standard says. If they were meant to have the weird blob comb, the standard would say so.
um, it still bothers me and it wasn't just the single spur that made him go, I liked him when he was young but as he got older he wasn't balanced, to me, the bird has to be balanced and flow smoothly, I don't tknow how to discribe it, his rear end did not fit his front end, and with the single spur issue... he's a gonner, maybe sometime we'll try again, if the pullet had weighed more than 2lbs I would of kept her.
Glad to see we have found this site, going to be fun discussing birds, just not on as much till about November :) Not as good as the son with the stupid "Smart" phone
Anyone ever see the horse magazine that had where they would post three different horses and then you have to judge them? Thinking of an idea that I might try as I get the time where I post three different birds, body, head and feet and then everyone can say how they would place the class and why... but no right or wrong placings, just good discussions. Sound like a good plan?
Anyone ever see the horse magazine that had where they would post three different horses and then you have to judge them? Thinking of an idea that I might try as I get the time where I post three different birds, body, head and feet and then everyone can say how they would place the class and why... but no right or wrong placings, just good discussions. Sound like a good plan?
I can judge the conformation of a horse but a bird????? I'm lost on the finer
points so this idea would help me. Of course at my age it's all for my own pleasure
and to improve my birds. There's the old adage of " It costs more to feed a poor
quality animal as it does a good one", and it's just about right.
I think there are people that would enjoy a discussion like that Infnityhrt. I thought about doing something similar at one point but wasn't sure how to keep it sane, other than to use birds that have been culled.
It just popped into my head. I know someone had marked the back area of the bird in a picture on another thread to which someone had replied that they had been wondering what was considered the back area and was happy to see this pointed out on the picture. So since this thread is geared towards learning to breed toward the SOP, I thought it might help if people could post what they considered the throat area.
I am also liking the sound of your idea Infnityhrt. I don't know if my pictures are good enough for you to use with your idea, but you can use them if you want. It'll help me, and hopefully others, on learning the good the bad and the ugly.

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