Starting a Fodder adventure

What, exactly is fodder? I mean, "fodder for the mill" and so it grain? First I was thinking 'silage', but that's fermented grass...AFAIK.

in this case fodder refers to sprouts. but is kind of a general term
Definition of fodder

1: something fed to domestic animalsespecially : coarse food for cattle, horses, or sheep
2: inferior or readily available material used to supply a heavy demand
I think it actually just means food. But in this case, it means growing/sprouting seeds to feed the chickens. Usually for chickens, they aren't allowed to grow too tall to avoid crop impaction. When I grow wheat, I usually let it grow taller than I want and cut it and then feed the cut portion and then feed the rest.
Mine isn’t very scientific but I started with a little under a pound of black oil sunflower seeds and about a pound and a half of hard red wheat. After 7 days it was 14 pounds of chopped fodder. Here is a chunk from this morning not as pretty as OP’s. I do mine in 10” x20” trays.
View attachment 1648844 Mine isn’t very scientific but I started with a little under a pound of black oil sunflower seeds and about a pound and a half of hard red wheat. After 7 days it was 14 pounds of chopped fodder. Here is a chunk from this morning not as pretty as OP’s. I do mine in 10” x20” trays.

thats awesome just shows how easy it is to scale up. it really is very low investment in money, effort and time.
sorry about the wait for morning update i wasn't paying attention uploading photos and had to put everything in the correct folders... takes alot longer when you accidentally misfile something lol.

anyways i Fed XP1 to the chickens this morning they were very stand offish which i expected cause they always are with a new snack. by tomorrow they will run at me for it lol. i usually give them warm oatmeal on this really cold days and they gobble it up in no time maybe ill make a small batch to go with the fodder. that is if they haven't tried the sprouts.

many people give warm oatmeal at winter but that is good for people, not chickens. oat is good in summer when it is hot. I cook rice and wheat for my chickens to eat something warm when it is too cold. even other grains (corn, barley) can be cooked and given to chickens. they have much more calories than oats. I add some mash to cooked grains and usually put some chilly pepper and herbs while cooking.
many people give warm oatmeal at winter but that is good for people, not chickens. oat is good in summer when it is hot. I cook rice and wheat for my chickens to eat something warm when it is too cold. even other grains (corn, barley) can be cooked and given to chickens. they have much more calories than oats. I add some mash to cooked grains and usually put some chilly pepper and herbs while cooking.

thanks for the info i always have of plenty of rice on hand. on these below zero days i like to give them a warm treat much rather give them something useful then give them an empty yummy. i will definitely look into rice thanks again

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