Stella's Social Club



x2!!!!! congratulations!!
I think we'll lose Martha Stewart tonight, our original Cinnamon Queen. We have had her 5+ years. She has been failing for some time but recently has deteriorated rapidly. We found her on the coop floor this afternoon, barely alive. Michael put her in a nestbox in a coop with onely one other chicken. We have a birthday party to go to and I doubt she'll be alive when we return. I am sad beyond words but she had a good run for a hatchery girl. She was loved.
It is great that you have a goat share!

I do not have contact info--There was a segment on them when the Local NPR was discussing Raw Cows milk. The Nugget in Davis and the Davis Co-Op both sell raw milk.

It is pretty easy for me to buy some. I have a Glass jar for Claravale Farm sitting on my Kitchen Cart. They sell Raw Jersey milk.
Ron, Nothing like fresh jersey milk. Five new Jersey calfs born this week at the farm.

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