Stella's Social Club

The recipe is on my blog. Kathy, I cannot believe you haven't had potstickers!
Don't they have them on the appetizer list at your Chinese restaurants? As I posted on my blog, potstickers got me through nursing school! What got you through?

Regional foods are really interesting. When we lived in Taiwan, a friend who came from the East coast had never heard of tacos! That was in 1970 though. I am sure they have arrived by now! I had never heard of boudin until Miss Kay cooked it on Duck Dynasty! Kathy probably makes boudin all the time!

Yeah, I was concerned about that - more wanting it out of the house so Lizbeth didn't catch the little bugger first, and then get bitten.

What's silly is the ceilings of my house are only 8 feet tall so it's quite easy to "encourage" flying things with a broom to head off in the direction you wish them to take. Imagine chubby gal with chicken net raised, scraping the ceiling, trying to move fast enough to capture something that just doesn't fly like a BIRD in the house. I usually chase those out; this time I wanted to catch my prey before my cat did!

There was a significant bit of barking and dashing around by the two dogs, all excited about the activity, Lizbeth leaping from furniture at the bat and towards my net, so that screwed me up.

In retrospect, I should have realized, had I actually caught it instead of it making its get-away, I would have either just let it go outside anyway, or I would have had to kill it as a suspected carrier.

I'm thankful for Jason/Hangtown Farms who recommended turning off the lights with the exterior door open, because that's what worked. (No tennis racquet here, nor golf clubs, baseball bats, or other sports equipment.). Well, after I'd harassed it with my chicken net, first!
Today was predicted to be the biggest grocery shopping day of the year in our area. Having a local team in the Superbowl trumps the day before Thanksgiving apparently. I went to our little local market for a couple of things I forgot when I shopped earlier this week. There were only a few people at the local market but when I called one lady a bad name (she deserved it, trust me) a guy smiled who was just coming in the door. He told me that he had gone into town to shop and none of the groceries even had parking spaces or carts available. He said if he couldn't get it locally, he wasn't going to get it. I paid for my stuff and got the heck back home.

I got a start on my snacks for tomorrow. I made a couple of dishes ahead of time and prepped several others. I made Orange Glazed Pecans:

And Crab Wontons with Sweet and Sour Sauce:

Michael and I have been sampling all day.
Someone on the Northern CA thread is showing pictures of birds she got by crossing Icelandics with other breeds. I wish people recognized the uniqueness of these wonderful chickens and would join the efforts being made to keep them pure. Sigrid warned me.
Uhhh, Mary - I, for one, am not trying to breed any mixes, it just happens in my flock. If there are Icelandic eggs under my broodies, whatever might hatch would be a mix, because the only Icelandic I have are pullets. Plus, I don't separate any for breeding.

I think the breed is remarkable and I was really pleased the Icelandic eggs hatched so I could have a few in my flock.

I am sorry if the miscegnation in my flock distresses pure Icelandic preservationists.

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