Stella's Social Club

I just go out to the coop after dark and put the offenders on the roost bar, It usually only takes a few nights to break them. They won't leave the roost bar in the dark. They have very poor night vision. Just what works for us :)
Thanks for the suggestion but I can't use sand due to the dust. Tried it and my lung problems flared up. I have problems breathing through a mask but I wear one while shoveling shavings. Sand probably works well with a few chickens but I have almost 60 chickens in five coops. That's a lot of raking.
Oh dear I can see the problem.

Yes downsizing always gives me a nice calm feeling- I kind of sigh in relief as chicken chores get easier for a time. I hope you get things sorted out to make your routine doable.
You think chickens are hard to photograph? Try bees! Holy heck. I was trying to get a good picture of one of my bees with her pollen sacs full, but every one is a blur because they are faster than I can click the button.

I did manage to get this picture today though.

Ooooh she is so pretty! This is a very nice close-up!

I love bees- they are so friendly.
You think chickens are hard to photograph? Try bees! Holy heck. I was trying to get a good picture of one of my bees with her pollen sacs full, but every one is a blur because they are faster than I can click the button.

I did manage to get this picture today though.

That's a wonderful pic of a bee! Nice job Kelly!

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