Stress: how do you react? How do you deal?


12 Years
Nov 14, 2009
Boyers, Pa
Everyone reacts to stress differently. Everyone deals with stress differently. I'm curious, what do you do?

When I'm stressed I lose my appetite completely! I usually can't sleep well either, but that only lasts a few days.

I usually deal with stress by praying a lot. also, if I vent about things it makes me feel a bit better.

Your turn!
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Depends on the situation.

Reading my Bible, sitting on the back porch with the dog, or watching the chickens are my typical ways of dealing with it. Taking a walk, too.
First of all... when I am stressed or worried.. I, er... well... kinda spend a significant amount of time in the bathroom. No problem eating... but everything goes straight through.

Sleeping... no problem there as that is where my mind escapes and I hate to wake up.

How do I deal? I cry and want my mom around... no seriously... I want my mommy... (and I'm 43 years old). She is very calming for me, even if she can't fix the problem... I deal better with her around.

I read my bible and pray. I analyze what I am so stressed out about...then, I get dressed up, and I go for a drive in the country blaring my music and singing at the top of my lungs with the windows rolled down. Often, much to the dismay of many local cows who only pretend to dislike my serenade. Then I laugh at the expression on the cows long faces, and I feel better. I'm a what of it?
I get outdoors and become physically active. I define, confront and try to change those stressors that I can control. The rest I turn over to my Higher Power.

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