Strictly pet chickens! Anyone??

Our family has chickens. Some are MUCH more productive than others. The hens that do not produce many eggs are our pets just as much as the ones that do. Every one has different ways to do things. Personally, I am a WIMP. I have a hard time killing Tomato Hornworms and other bugs. But hey, that is why we are all here. To support each other and enjoy our pets, money makers and future dinners. Do what is right for YOU and your family and enjoy your birds!
I could not and would not want to eat one of my chicks. They are family just like the dog, cats, fish, kids, and hubby. When the dog killed one last week, Dh and I were both very very saddened. I agree with the person who said kudos to those who don't support factory farms....but I just don't have it in me to kill my chicks...let me amend that....I know I COULD, I just prefer not to.

Maybe I'm a hypocrite, but buying chicken already plucked and skinned and wrapped in cellophane doesn't bother me but thinking about killing MY girls would be rather hard.

I have a Rhode Island Red named Hazel. She isn't my only chicken, however she is the only one who is stricly a pet. I wouldn't be able to bear seeing her on my table.
All my chickens are pets...I do not eat there eggs through I have nice quality chickens so I offer eggs for hatching for small prices.

I even keep handicaped chickens..I keep them for my motherly instint in me..LOL...I do not breed them I only keep girls.

I do pick and choose roosters and hens from ones I sell eggs from but they are my pets that I love them all and when I part ways with one I rehome them to good homes only where I know they wont be mistreated or eaten.
All of my hens are pets only. I'm a vegan (meaning I don't eat eggs or meat or dairy) They are my pets who just happen to make eggs that I sell to help pay for their food.

1 of my hens is older and doesn't even lay eggs anymore, shes not even that friendly either (she was a rescue) but she will have a happy home with me until the day the passes of natural causes.

My chickens are pets first......egg layers second.......someone else's dinner third. I could not eat them nor do I have any desire to pluck a chicken. But if I can't keep them (roosters for example), I see no problem with someone eating them. And if they need to be culled, I plan on feeding the buzzards (far away from home of course). Just don't believe in waste. There are alot of people who would love to get a "free meal" and the buzzards need to eat too.

Except LuLu. She will live out her life and then be burried in the family grave plot. LOL

10 days old

4 weeks old (she likes reading BYC too and pics are her favorite)

6 weeks old
My wife would only let me have 3 and they are pets. They come in for a half hour or so at sundown most nights, jump up on me and we have a chicken party.

Eggs will be a great side benefit.

I would have trouble eating them but then again I've been fortunate enough to have never really been hungry.

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