Hi guys.. really need some help and advice. I have been raising an abandoned chick around 3 weeks of age. She was abandoned by her mother and I couldn't leave her alone. I live in Singapore and the only chickens we even have around here are wild junglefowl. Tracking down chicken feed proved to be difficult and impossible. However, she has been thriving. Noisy, needy, and following me around everywhere. Yesterday evening after a rather normal day she got spooked by something and jumped. I did not see her injure herself, but she could have. After that she just kind of shut down for a while. She didn't want to move, just stood still with these kind of traumatised actions. I finally got her interest in some worms and she perked right back up after she drank water and ate. She was half stumbling every now and again before she ate and drank, but afterwards she was back to normal. She chased me around the house without limp, little slower but still fast, then I put her down at her normal time to sleep and she passed out as usual with some cute little cheeps. This morning she woke me up at her normal time but did not fly out of her box like normal. My mom went to check on her while I was getting her food and we realised that she completely has lost the use of her walking ability. She is still happy, talking, eating, and drinking but does not want to stand up. If she wants to sit up she leans on her joints and just lays there with her legs curled under her the rest of the time. The only other abnormal thing that is happening is a complete disappearance of poop from her as well aside from one forced one this morning. She had some diahrea after the incident yesterday evening, but nothing after that. Color was gray and thr consistency kind of pebbly .. and a bit frothy. I usually don't want to worry too much with the watery poops because we live in quite a hot climate. Today it's raining and quite chilly to us (77 degrees, lol) and I thought initally maybe she just kept her feet under her for warmth but I'm starting to worry... The internet gives me every answer under the sun from Mareks to vitamin deficiency to sore stomach. Please if anyone has any suggestions I would be grateful... thank you