Sudden paralysis in 7 month old hen


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2022
This morning I opened the coop pop door to find one of my 7 mth old hens on the coop floor below the roost bar just laying there. She seems completely paralyzed. Could she have fallen off the roost? She's one of my favorites (of course) and she was completely fine and acting normal yesterday, foraging, eating/drinking, doing her usual routine including jumping on my back or leg to be pet. Her feet and legs feel and look normal, and her toes are not curled. I can spread her wing and she will not pull it back....not sure if this helps any. Just trying to give as much info as possible.
She is drinking water but not eating much and has not had a bowel movement since 8am. Her comb and waddles are red. I immediately brought her in this morning and put her in a warm place in a crate as she seemed cold. Checked her over and she has no lice/mites or any visible injuries. Crop was empty this morning. She looks very healthy. All other flock mates are fine. Marek's crosses my mind because of the paralysis, and this scares me, but does it come on so suddenly? Or could she be egg bound since she has not had any bowel movements? I will try to check for that now.
Appreciate any input on what I can do to help her.
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Hmm, what is her diet? Vitamin deficiency can cause paralysis.
I provide them with Nutrena layer crumble avail all day, with some greens once a day and a little bit of scratch grains as a treat too. I also have a bowl of oyster shell avail. I free range them for about an hour a day supervised because it's hawk city here! I provide fresh water daily with a pinch of Rooster Booster in one of the gallon drinkers. Anything I'm missing for their diet? I did start giving them meal worm treats a week ago but sparingly.
I provide them with Nutrena layer crumble avail all day, with some greens once a day and a little bit of scratch grains as a treat too. I also have a bowl of oyster shell avail. I free range them for about an hour a day supervised because it's hawk city here! I provide fresh water daily with a pinch of Rooster Booster in one of the gallon drinkers. Anything I'm missing for their diet? I did start giving them meal worm treats a week ago but sparingly.
It sounds fine. I'd give her 400i.u vitamin E capsule and about a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks, it could be neurological and that will help. How long has she been known the layer feed?
It sounds fine. I'd give her 400i.u vitamin E capsule and about a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks, it could be neurological and that will help. How long has she been known the layer feed?
Thank you for your recommendation. I've got selenium & vitE paste I started her on earlier. I need to get the B complex tomorrow. I'm getting more concerned she may be eggbound because she hasn't pooped all day. Are there other diseases/conditions that would cause that? Thanks again for your help. Forgot to add - I've got older hens (the mamma's) so I've been mixing this with chick feed. But a majority of the feed is layer.
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Do you have a picture of her now? Is she lying down? Are her wings hung down? Is her neck up or down? Is there a rooster who might have injured her back?
Do you have a picture of her now? Is she lying down? Are her wings hung down? Is her neck up or down? Is there a rooster who might have injured her back?
Neck up and Not lying down. Just in a sitting position. Wings are normal and she does have movement in them unlike what I observed yesterday. She’s been wiggling herself to move and has slightly moved. And yes there are roosters. I almost feel like she may have been trampled while they crowded the pop door to get out. Here are pics of her today. Tried to upload video but doesn’t look like I’m able to.

She is eating today. Not seeing bruises on her legs and her toes are all straight out/normal looking no breaks that I can see. She’s a booted bantam cochin.


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Just wanted to give a quick update....she is doing great! Practically back to normal. She is back with the flock and walking and jumping. I've had her in a crate in the house for the last month but bring her outside during the day. I would keep her in a little coop in the main run so that she is still with her flock and doesn't get depressed. I still have her inside the house at night because I'm not feeling ready for her to jump on the roost yet. I want to rehome all the roosters first. I think she either had fallen off the roost or the roosters are too rough with her and hurt her right leg. I noticed she wouldn't put any weight on that leg.
So glad to hear that she is doing much better. Hopefully, her leg will become stronger. I might try some human B complex, about 1/4-1/2 tablet daily crushed on her food.

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