suggestions for chicken friendly ground cover?

Dane Chick

10 Years
Nov 9, 2009
hi guys,
Our coop and run has been built for two years, it is a cute little building with skylights and interior paneling. We live in the woods and carved out a little area amongst the trees and it looks Hansel and Gretel like. Last summer hubby put up a rock wall around a cleared area in front of the coop, and built a rock fire ring. The problem is that in the spring and fall it is muddy, and in the summer it is dusty. When i cut our grass field i put the clippings down so there is a carpet of sorts, and rake it up when it gets "icky". I would really like to plant some ground cover in this area to increase it's charm, but i do not know what is "chicken friendly". Does anyone have advice of what will not be harmful to my girls, and also not be so attractive to them that they eat it clean? All advice is super welcome!!
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I think they'll eat/scratch anything down to bare ground. I put sand in my run (play sand) and it keeps it from getting muddy. Maybe someone else knows a magic ground cover....
Huh. Somebody actually has something to cover the ground that chickens leave enough behind to stay alive? WOW.

I added two ducks to my flock of chickens, and NOW I have holes drilled into the adobe muck around their waterer and kiddie pool.

It rained today, so I imagine I will find those Duck Holes all over the run, tonight.

But that's okay, because the chickens and ducks are so danged adorable. THEY'RE my "ground cover." Of sorts.
I have a patch of prunella/ selfheal in my chicken area and I swear they don't touch it or scratch it. In fact it is getting bigger! They also leave the lemon balm alone though it is not a ground cover.

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