Suggestions please?


Apr 12, 2016
My parents live in Wyoming where is gets VERY cold, and is VERY windy. They want chickens, and I'm looking to y'all for some suggestions on chickens that are very winter hardy, and also good layers. Any suggestions?
I'm in Wisconsin, we get nasty here too. I haven't found any breeds that can't handle our winters. Let them acclimate and house them properly. So depending on what else you require from your chickens most breeds will be fine. I would avoid any fancy breeds initially like silkies and polish. Any roosters with large combs will probably get frostbite on them, but the hens do fine.

Most straight egg laying breeds are flighty but lay very well and eat less. Dual purpose birds eat more, lay a bit less but are more friendly.

There are lots of nice breeds to choose from. I always recommend Barred rocks, buff Orpingtons and Australorp for friendly birds, and sex links, leghorns and Ancona for lots of eggs.
I live in Montana and have buff and white Orpingtons, and new Hampshire Reds. They all did fine in the winter. They weren't crazy about walking on snow initially but they got used to it. I don't know if ducks are an option for your parents but those are some seriously cold hardy birds! My Rouens and Runners swam happily all winter long, even with ice floating in their pool.
I always put down hay for mine to walk on in winter, otherwise they would never go outside. I'm impressed yours went out.

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