Summer Quilt Block Swap-Due August 15th.

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I think cucumber sandwiches came about because believe it or not cucumber was once a real treat.before we had airplanes to fly things around the world cucumbers had to be grown in hot houses in the winter months. I remember my father telling me that just after the world war 2 cucumbers were £1 each at Christmas, which would have been about half of a working mans wage.
Rusty Hen,

That table looks just wonderful. What an occasion. I wish I had memories like that.

I think the idea of a high tea is coming together. I like the idea of tiny sandwiches, maybe cucumber with the crusts cut off. I have know idea why that is what we think the landed gentry in England eat. What else can we have to make it international. May be we can each ask round a few family or friends & post a picture of the event.

To get the time started, I am sitting at my computer in England at 20.15hrs. We should be able to work out an equivalent time from the time up in the left hand corner of this message where it tells you how long ago it was sent. Also pm's have a time on them. Is this East Coast time?

My Mother came from a family of 10 children, 2 boys and then 8 girls! They lost 2 sister as infants, and now the two brothers are gone but not until they were in their 90's. The girls are all in their 80's and 90's now. My Mom is 90 this year and still going strong, she drives and goes to exercise class twice a week, I can barely keep up with her. They take such joy in their dress up parties and we love to join in. Afterwords they have piano, concertina,harmonica playing and singing. Here is just a peak at them
after tea (the liquid) a few opted for wine. There were both cucumber and potted meat sandwiches.
I hush up now and let you plan the time thing. Sorry to be wordy but I do love them so.

PS my Father was station in England in WWII, and landed at Normandy.
My Mother came from a family of 10 children, 2 boys and then 8 girls! They lost 2 sister as infants, and now the two brothers are gone but not until they were in their 90's. The girls are all in their 80's and 90's now. My Mom is 90 this year and still going strong, she drives and goes to exercise class twice a week, I can barely keep up with her. They take such joy in their dress up parties and we love to join in. Afterwords they have piano, concertina,harmonica playing and singing. Here is just a peak at them
after tea (the liquid) a few opted for wine. There were both cucumber and potted meat sandwiches.
I hush up now and let you plan the time thing. Sorry to be wordy but I do love them so.

PS my Father was station in England in WWII, and landed at Normandy.
I don't think your wordy at all I love to see the pictures and hear the stories, and I hope at 90 I can do half the things your mother does, how wonderful she is still so active.
I love Tea, little finger sandwiches, little cakes, and of course the hats. When I have both of my Granddaughters over at the same time, we often have Tea together, with the hats (they wear one of mine) and pinkies in the air. Special times and special memories. Let's do have tea together!
I love seeing everyone's memories of tea and tea parties. Thank you for sharing those. My daughter and I had a tea party with my Mother about 5 years ago. We went all out with the hats, good china, and lots of goodies! Since then she has had a tea party birthday each year with her friends over. I love the picture of the high tea. How pretty!!

Rusty Hen,

Thank you for sharing. My Mum came from a family of 12, 4 boys and 8 girls. Three of the boys died as babies and one girl died when she was 11. Mum was the youngest girl and her surviving brother was the youngest of them all. She & her brother were put into an orphanage when their Dad died when she was about 8-9. War broke out & they were evacuated from the orphanage. They didn't get to live with their Mum again until after the war. My Nan lived to be 100 despite having all those children and being widowed much longer than she was married. There is only one of the sisters left now, Mum died a three years ago.

Where was your father stationed in England?

I like the idea of potted meat sandwiches too. We must have doilies on the serving plates! I'll never get Fenrosie to drink tea so coffee in tea cups will have to be allowed.


Hope you all like my sizzling summer stars!
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