Sunny is very quiet...

Her mood is much better, she's grooming, messing with my dog. But her appetite is still very low...I'm starting to think that she's losing weight. I'm now guessing that this is a respitory infection, I woke up this morning to take her out of the garage. She was happy to see me but instead of her frantic chirping I only heard there was water in her lungs.
Her breathing is otherwise normal, it's only when she tries to make noise I hear strange noises. I'm really torn on what to do....there's no vet nearby, my dad isn't willing to spend much money at all, I really don't know. All I can do is wait.
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Did you give her some ProBios? Worming the ducks will kill the good bacteria in their system....

Otherwise, just monitor her behavior and breathing for today. If it's the same or worse, let us know.
Sunny is better now, she's eating, playing, preening, everything she did a couple weeks ago. She's even back to eating until her belly hangs. The only problem is that she still can't make a noise. I think she has a little respitory infection, not a bad one. She breaths just a little hard, but she's not opening her mouth or anything. I think she'll be fine. It's nothing she shouldn't recover from!

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