Sunny is very quiet...

You didn't name any chemical. The only chemical I saw noted was Ivermectin.

Did you mean this? (Quoted from the article):
There are ways to control or reduce the infestation of your free ranging birds by worms. The obvious one is to worm on a regular basis. I use wormers with caution and usually only worm in the spring and fall, and also before breeding. I also worm any new birds that I bring into my flock during their period of quarantine. I prefer Ivermectin but there are many good wormers out there such as Piperazine and Levamisole (used according to recommended dosages)

If you read this carefully, the author does say that they prefer to use Ivermectin. So if you can tell me a feed store in Central Florida that carries Piperazine, that would be helpful to many of us.​
No need to get snappy guys.
Sunny seems good...she still doesn't gorge herself but she seems alert and friendly as always. She crawled in my lap and we just sat in the patio watching the buzzards soar overhead. Nice and sunny day. It really seems strange to me that she suddenly stoped making any noise at all....a week ago she was cooing and chirping away. Now I barely notice her in the patio. Her breathing is normal now, I'm not sure what happened last night. Maybe I'll take her to the park tonight to cheer her up...she seems good right now other than being dead quiet.
I looked over all your posts, I did not see you name a chemical other than to say, "listed in the above article quoted above"

You did give good advice when you suggested caution in using a chemical that was made for a much larger animal. It would be awful to overdose a duck!

Telling someone to get something for a duck or a chicken isn't always sound advice considering that chicken meds are not always safe for ducks.

No one in this thread knows what is wrong with Sunny. The last thing anyone wants to do is kill Sunny. However if Sunny is suffering from something, then it is better to do something safe. Many people here have experience in worming their ducks with Ivermectin. There is not a formula specifically for ducks.

Piperazine is used in Wazine and states, "For use in drinking water for the removal of large roundworms (Ascaridia spp.) from turkeys, chickens, and large roundworms (Ascaris suum) and nodular worms (oesophagostomum spp.) from swine. "
You can get Piperazine tablets: "Designed for puppies, kittens and other small animals. Safely used & recommended for years for roundworm control."
About Levamisole, "Compared to other anthelmintics, levamisole has the narrowest margin of safety, though toxicity is usually the result of excess dosage. Levamisole has a broad spectrum of activity and is effective against many larval stages of parasites, though not arrested larvae."

I learned a lot about worming medication today!
LOL not getting snappy....just trying to make a valid point
And trying to figure out where we can buy duck wormers for our ducks.

Maybe taking Sunny to the park will cheer her up
I wish we had a park with a pond nearby to take our ducks to legally. There is a park with a pond and small stream about 20 mins away, but there's a Sheriffs substation right across the street LOL.

We have a park down the road. Maybe one day I can convince Conch to drive us with the ducks down there
Lol, it attracts quite a show here in the suburbs. On an average day at the park, (which is large and popular lake) I talk to about 50-100 people in a matter of hours...all wanting to know why I have a pet duck. Sunny usually gets a kick out of it, and she'll walk around greeting everyone...though no one can touch her without her lunging. She plays with the other birds too...but not in a nice way...she'll bite the other ducks and won't leave them alone. She probably thinks they look so ugly, lol.
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Hopefully it will.

I've never used a harness on Sunny. Just shoes to protect her feet, she knows who she wants to be with. She'll only hang with my family...and only follows me. She's never wandered off more than 20 feet from me at the park, and when I'm not in sight she'll run around looking for me. The first time I took her to the park I was amazed by her ability to recognize people. Instead of just going by what color my shirt was, or what my shoes looked like...she would look at everyones faces. They are quite smart for birds. The park rangers did not like me bringing her there without a lease on at first...but now I'm good friends with them so they tolerate me.
The probios should come tomorrow, hopefully it will increase Sunny's appetite. Upon further inspection I noticed Sunny making very quiet huffing noises in the same pattern she did her cooing makes me think - can she make noise if she wanted too? It's almost like she can't, I can hold her up to my here and here "huff-huff, huff-huff, huffff" as if she were chirping. It makes me worried.
I am not sure about her making noise...but does it sound like she may have something wrong with her respiratory system?

And that's cool that she will just follow you around at the park....Our ducks would have to be on leashes LOL

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