Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

Agree on the khaki campbells, mine has a great personality but looks wise she ain’t no 10

I have some beautiful ducks: welsh harlequins, cayugas, saxonys & I personally think the pure white of pekins in beautiful

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Not a great pic but you can see them all, I have another pekin that’s hiding in my raspberries somewhere
Raspberry bushes? Have you seen any fruit lately? I have about 30 fruit bushes and if I manage to get one single berry in a year it is only momentarily before something with feathers steals it from my hand.

My turkeys would make a happy coooing sound as they ate the blackberries off the bushes... Then come out with their faces purple from the fruit. It was just bliss watching them.
How do you get ANYTHING done? I would stop eating and bathing
Bahahaha the first couple days I was checking it constantly

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek
I feel this. I know geese with better manners!

We hear you! That's completely valid

My hope is that I'll have a better experience with Dougie, she's imprinted on me, and is still super friendly. My hope is that when I let her brood, she'll trust me with them.
I may be proven wrong which is fine 😂 but I have that hope.
She let me touch the eggs to candle them. Even while they were hatching she let me handle them. But as soon as she saw their faces!

I wish you more cuddles... I have to take her into the house and put her in the bathtub to bathe in order to get any access to my grandchildren (oops, I mean ducklings)
Raspberry bushes? Have you seen any fruit lately? I have about 30 fruit bushes and if I manage to get one single berry in a year it is only momentarily before something with feathers steals it from my hand.

My turkeys would make a happy coooing sound as they ate the blackberries off the bushes... Then come out with their faces purple from the fruit. It was just bliss watching them.
Yes raspberry bushes, but I have a fence around my garden and they aren’t allowed in during garden season!

But our grass is so mushy from all the snow we’ve gotten and they have been tearing it to shreds! So while it drys out I’ve been locking them in my garden during the day to save my grass! But I won’t have berries for several months so nothing they can harm in there right now


This was last fall when these 2 sassholes snuck in and were browsing the aisles and sampling like this is a damn Costco 🤣
I think Muscovys have a little of all these traits:
1 they have stark contrasts like brown/white black/white that is very aesthetically pleasing
2 They will sit on the roof of your house if you don't trim their wings
3 They go broody and have nests of 10+ chicks, and older ones can have multiple broods per season. Also usually every female goes broody, not just one or two.
Keep in mind this is just my experience, maybe not all musckovys are like this

I like those broody numbers!
Yes raspberry bushes, but I have a fence around my garden and they aren’t allowed in during garden season!

But our grass is so mushy from all the snow we’ve gotten and they have been tearing it to shreds! So while it drys out I’ve been locking them in my garden during the day to save my grass! But I won’t have berries for several months so nothing they can harm in there right now

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This was last fall when these 2 sassholes snuck in and were browsing the aisles and sampling like this is a damn Costco 🤣
They way theyre walking around like dignified customers, I cant 😂
I'm sure they leave payment in the form of fertiliser
Very generous of course.

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