Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

Dasher update -
As I posted on Christmas dasher had a soft shell
She pooped out a little of it and the next morning I found the rest outside with only the whites of an egg with no yolk
I assumed she just made a yolk less egg
But on Saturday she had a second soft shell
The yolk and whites were on the ground and the soft shell was in the water sled they use to bath in ( winter bathing )
She was walking like she had something stuck inside her
Mucus was draining out of her vent and she was going off on her own
I again brought her in and bathed her and gave her calcium
I called my vets office but her vet was on holidays
Luckily she keeps me supplied with antibiotics and medicam
My fear was that first egg did break inside of her
I started her on the clavamox I had on hand
By Monday evening I could see she was so much better
She was still walking a bit slow but no more mucus coming out
Yesterday she was back to running with the flock
Her tail is back up like normal , walking is normal , no more mucus
Overall back to normal
Her eggs are hard shell again but still paper thin
I’m now thinking maybe a D issue as you need D to absorb calcium
She was given Lupron shots last April to stop her from egg laying while we got her aspergillosis fixed
She never stopped laying eggs but they became very thin shelled and would break just by picking them up
I read up this week and that hormone can give vitamin D issues
Maybe that’s been the issue with her eggs
We are going for a check up this morning with her vet
I’m going to get her to test her D levels
I’m so thankful my vet keeps me supplied with meds at home
I’m also thankful I’m so hands on with my crew that I knew something wasn’t right with her
She has to be on this antibiotic till Sunday but it’s definitely working :)
I added a picture of soft shell egg #2 that I found and her poo that was Full of mucus
The actual soft shell itself was in the red sled
Vet appointment went great
Her overall health seems good
She was back ti her normal self there
The vent gleet is all cleared up in and out from her last bout and seems like the antibiotics are working on the infection
The D test costs 400 dollars so instead we have decided to just uo her D intake and see how it looks in a few weeks
She was patiently waiting for her vet


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Vet appointment went great
Her overall health seems good
She was back ti her normal self there
The vent gleet is all cleared up in and out from her last bout and seems like the antibiotics are working on the infection
The D test costs 400 dollars so instead we have decided to just uo her D intake and see how it looks in a few weeks
She was patiently waiting for her vet
Have you tried calcium citrate with vit D? I used these pills for my Sprightly when she had all her laying problems (soft shells and brittle shells). It definitely helped, both when an egg was stuck, and to get the shells solid. I ended up force moulting her which reduced her laying, and got her into an early winter break.
I'm thinking maybe the same course of treatment can help your Dasher if she's having problems with most eggs
Let me grab a photo of the pills I use
This is what I use
I did roughly two pills daily, both in the morning. Popped them right into the back of the mouth into the throat, and she would wash them down with a drink of water. The goal was 600mg daily.
I tried smaller doses but the shells would get brittle again.
Thankfully I haven't had to use them consistently for months, but they really were life savers!
Have you tried calcium citrate with vit D? I used these pills for my Sprightly when she had all her laying problems (soft shells and brittle shells). It definitely helped, both when an egg was stuck, and to get the shells solid. I ended up force moulting her which reduced her laying, and got her into an early winter break.
I'm thinking maybe the same course of treatment can help your Dasher if she's having problems with most eggs
Let me grab a photo of the pills I use
Thank you
I haven’t tried the D yet but have tried just calcium and it didn’t help
My thoughts are if D is to low she can’t absorb the calcium properly
That brought me to research the lepron shot and found it has caused D issues in humans
I will see if I can find those pills
Dasher is so easy to syringe medication
After a year of antibiotics and fungal meds as well as silver and calcium she is use to it. I set her on my lap open her beak and put it in her mouth
She swallows it perfectly
My other ducks are not that easy
They will try to fling it out so you have to go further in
She is a trooper
I could crush the pill and add to water then syringe it
I really hope I can get her eggs back to strong shells
Would be even better if she would just break for winter
Thank you
I haven’t tried the D yet but have tried just calcium and it didn’t help
My thoughts are if D is to low she can’t absorb the calcium properly
That brought me to research the lepron shot and found it has caused D issues in humans
I will see if I can find those pills
Dasher is so easy to syringe medication
After a year of antibiotics and fungal meds as well as silver and calcium she is use to it. I set her on my lap open her beak and put it in her mouth
She swallows it perfectly
My other ducks are not that easy
They will try to fling it out so you have to go further in
She is a trooper
I could crush the pill and add to water then syringe it
I really hope I can get her eggs back to strong shells
Would be even better if she would just break for winter
Hopefully this year ends up being a better one for our girls

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