Surviving Minnesota!

I picked two 5 quart buckets of blue berries, the berries are not as plentiful as some years.
The local blueberry picking places are shut down this year; late frost killed them off. :( There are still some wild bushes with fruit on them, for which my taste buds are grateful.

Thanks to BC I’m having a blueberry beer. (She posted it last year) on my mobile lawn chair.
I believe others might have went looking for Togo and passed through it without realizing they were actually in downtown Togo.

I thought I would show those of you who have not been to Togo what to look for and how to recognize downtown Togo where the Governor wants to spend nearly 3 million on a sewer system.

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Now it will look slightly different as part of the wall on the school is missing and a sawmill sticks out of it..
so who owns the land that is going to be developed... they aren't putting all that in for what is there... somebody is going to make a boatload of money :old
so who owns the land that is going to be developed... they aren't putting all that in for what is there... somebody is going to make a boatload of money :old

I think you are mistaken about the Togo area. Development there is a new dock, or a new used mobile home being moved in.

There is no industry other than logging. The wolves outnumber the people. The closest freeway for transporting products is over 100 miles away. Hwy 1 runs through town but it has several 90 degree turns, not curves sharp turns.

I am the nearest railroad is 70 miles away, the nearest railroad depot/yard is over 100 miles away.

Most of the land is either government owned, or owned by the major lumber companies, Potlatch, Blanton, Or consolidated.

My driveway for my cabin is 2 1/2 miles long across county, state and federal land. There is some tribal land but it is across the county line from Togo.

Google Earth Link

Look around..

Other important news.. the used cat salesman Sold me faulty cats. I turned up my electric fencer and have killed two mice in two days trying to get into my chicken pen!!!!

The cats are not doing their job.....and I am a little worried the fencer might be a tad too powerful..

I have no choice but to sue the used cat salesman.
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Go touch the fence... if you don't wake up until sunset, it's probably too powerful.
I think you are mistaken about the Togo area. Development there is a new dock, or a new used mobile home being moved in.

There is no industry other than logging. The wolves outnumber the people. The closest freeway for transporting products is over 100 miles away. Hwy 1 runs through town but it has several 90 degree turns, not curves sharp turns.

I am the nearest railroad is 70 miles away, the nearest railroad depot/yard is over 100 miles away.

Most of the land is either government owned, or owned by the major lumber companies, Potlatch, Blanton, Or consolidated.

My driveway for my cabin is 2 1/2 miles long across county, state and federal land. There is some tribal land but it is across the county line from Togo.

Google Earth Link

Look around..

Other important news.. the used cat salesman Sold me faulty cats. I turned up my electric fencer and have killed two mice in two days trying to get into my chicken pen!!!!

The cats are not doing their job.....and I am a little worried the fencer might be a tad too powerful..

I have no choice but to sue the used car salesman.
My feet are literally dripping. I have a towel in front of my chair. I bought water shoes for chores because, you know, ‘if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em.’ I think we’re turning into the new PNW. I’m a little worried that with more water we’ll become even more of a magnet for people fleeing from the peoples’ coastal paradises. One thing we have going for us... our epic winters lately...

I had to put my BBWs in the small chicken run because the rascally fat-boys started eating my chicken eggs. :mad: They’re still cute but now they’re gonna be dinner. DH will get over it. Should I give them any special kind of feed for finishing? Oats? Corn? Crepe Suzette? I don’t know what they weigh, but they’re really flippin’ heavy. Probably too late for roasting them whole unless I build an outdoor stone oven or something.
My feet are literally dripping. I have a towel in front of my chair. I bought water shoes for chores because, you know, ‘if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em.’ I think we’re turning into the new PNW. I’m a little worried that with more water we’ll become even more of a magnet for people fleeing from the peoples’ coastal paradises. One thing we have going for us... our epic winters lately...

I had to put my BBWs in the small chicken run because the rascally fat-boys started eating my chicken eggs. :mad: They’re still cute but now they’re gonna be dinner. DH will get over it. Should I give them any special kind of feed for finishing? Oats? Corn? Crepe Suzette? I don’t know what they weigh, but they’re really flippin’ heavy. Probably too late for roasting them whole unless I build an outdoor stone oven or something.
A lot of people like to finish with corn making a beautiful yellow fat. Mine get to finish on Russian Olives.

My mother did not have a pan big enough to hold a 34 1/2 lb. dressed weight turkey so she put it on a 14"x18"x1" tray and tented it with aluminum foil to roast it. It came out absolutely wonderful.
A lot of people like to finish with corn making a beautiful yellow fat. Mine get to finish on Russian Olives.

My mother did not have a pan big enough to hold a 34 1/2 lb. dressed weight turkey so she put it on a 14"x18"x1" tray and tented it with aluminum foil to roast it. It came out absolutely wonderful.
Alas I have no Russian olives. DH assures me it is illegal to propagate them in SD. I’m not positive he didn’t make that up, but it’s not a battle worth choosing, imo. So, corn it is. Maybe I can find some that hasn’t been dosed with Roundup...

Great idea on the roaster. I’m surprised she didn’t have drippings on the oven floor with a one inch pan, though. :confused: Maybe home-grown turkeys don’t have so much added water like store-bought?
Maybe home-grown turkeys don’t have so much added water like store-bought?
Store bought turkeys have added water because it is the cheapest way to increase the weight and the price of the final product. The only way you will get added water in a homegrown turkey is if you add it yourself. A well fattened homegrown turkey will be self basting due to the subcutaneous layer of fat.

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