Surviving Minnesota!

Thanks for the tip Ivie on ordering on-line. I notice alot of my stuff lately has been coming from overseas. Makes me nervous. Plus added shipping time. And the storefronts don't really give you alot of info sometimes about where the seller is shipping stuff from. I'm sure my headphones I ordered from there for the kids are coming from China.

I've also found that if I use PayPal as an indirect way to pay it feels less risky. IDK. Amazon should be protecting you as well.
Well then they are false . Never found any of those .
I would still like a picture of them cut in half if possible, just to see. I have never seen a false look so much like a good one. Thanks
I will get a pic when I walk out to see the cows this evening.
Another thing you will notice with that false morel holm is that the cap is not fused to the stalk. It's fused up higher into the cap. They are like their own seperate parts to the mushroom. with a morel the cap is like a convuluted part of the stem still, fused right on. FALSE MOREL I will say your False morel would have made me take a second look! The False ones we've had around here have looked alot like this Rusty Topped one on the Right hand side of the picture. I think up here we have both types of morels too. Those last ones I found were regular. Not black. But I think we are out hunting alot more during the early black season around here. Those common morels come a little later when grass is higher and leaves are covering more. I want to say...not entirely sure though.
BC thanks for the info! None of these were rusty colored at all. All were this light orange color. BUT they were all odd shapes. The one in the pic that I posted wasnt but almost every other one was odd shaped.
Someone was having fun with my credit card in Tennessee last week. Now I have a new card and was thankfully not responsible for those charges. Many of them were declined anyway so they never went through.
Thanks for the tip Ivie on ordering on-line. I notice alot of my stuff lately has been coming from overseas. Makes me nervous. Plus added shipping time. And the storefronts don't really give you alot of info sometimes about where the seller is shipping stuff from. I'm sure my headphones I ordered from there for the kids are coming from China.

I've also found that if I use PayPal as an indirect way to pay it feels less risky. IDK. Amazon should be protecting you as well.

My credit card info was taken twice from Amazon and used for purchases. They started with small purchases that escalated to larger purchases. I'm glad I looked over my bill at that time. I honestly don't think Amazon would have caught it. Credit Card fraud seems like way too much work. I'd rather get a job.

I agree with your Paypal theory, BC. It's nice you can use it for most purchases nowadays.
Okay - I now write as a service to you chickener friends.  While looking at a credit card statement this a.m. I came across a Amazon Prime renewal of $99.  :eek:   Whattttt? I have never used Amazon Prime. I was able to get onto an account and there were two things, one of which was the NuStock, that I had purchased. Eventually I found a customer service telephone number to call, which I promptly did to find out info about when I signed up for Amazon Prime.

Of course when you purchase an item they need your name, address and e-mail address to confirm the order and ship it to you. This guy asked for my date of birth.  Hmmm  anyone else looking quizzical right now?  Then he told me that someone in the UK had used my name to open an AP account and if he could just have access to my computer to find out who that would have been he would be able to resolve this issue. YIKES!  Be careful out there!  Of course I got off the phone and called my credit card company and filed a dispute.

But what a way to do a new scam! Who thinks up these things? I am sure someone is giving them the information they need to hack their computer. I repeat - be careful!
I just heard of that one recently. Terrifying.
What am I? Eggs came from someone who has many breeds, including polish chickens, but I'm not sure if they eggs were a barnyard mix or not. Most were. Polish was my best guess.



Tried to correct the text location . Keeps ending up in pic . So those are fiddleheads from Ostrich ferns . You remove the brown skins as much as possible .
Sweet haul, Mr. Segler!

I need to check for fiddleheads around here sometime soon.... Bit early, but hope springs eternal....

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