Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

GYPSY I've got the signs made for all our swaps I made two. A .FRAME
they should be letted this week .
I think you and everyone will be happy with them.

AWESOME!!! Can't wait to see them!!
The two Show Girl chicks I bought from you at the Merrimack swap a few Months ago turned out to be a pair. Their beautiful

so glad to hear they are doing well and you like them. 7 of the eggs I bought from you hatched anf I still have them all. trying to decide who to keep. there are 3 blue and 4 black. the feathering on the feet is gigantic! wonderinf if the millie spots will come through in this generation or the next. they are nice sturdy babies.
Hey, are those the babies you got from me?? I kept one frizzle girl and a smooth roo from that cross; both have turned out better looking.. more typey and better feathering... than both their parents, and I hope to hatch some eggs from them probably in the spring. Maybe I'll even get lavender frizzles?!? Hope to see you at some swaps this fall!

they are from the eggs I bought from you. I got 2 pair. 2 frizzled and 2 smooth. keeping 1 pair for myself. the 2 frizzled are beautiful. the male I am keeping has white on his chest. I too hope to get lavender frizzles and now some other lucky person will have that opportunity too! see you at the fall swaps and if one of us gets lavender frizzles we should let the other know.
GYPSY I've got the signs made for all our swaps I made two. A .FRAME
they should be letted this week .
I think you and everyone will be happy with them.

Thats awesome I cant wait to see them.

I have been trying to devise a way to get paper type signs made up for along the drive but cant figureout a way of having them readable on a drive by with out having people get hurt.
Everything I have come up with is hard to read even at close distance with out creating a hazzard.
any suggestions would be helpfull.
(Think yard sale signs as your driving by and swearve into traffic or shoulder ditches)
GYPSY I've got the signs made for all our swaps I made two. A .FRAME
they should be letted this week .
I think you and everyone will be happy with them.

Thats awesome I cant wait to see them.

I have been trying to devise a way to get paper type signs made up for along the drive but cant figureout a way of having them readable on a drive by with out having people get hurt.
Everything I have come up with is hard to read even at close distance with out creating a hazzard.
any suggestions would be helpfull.
(Think yard sale signs as your driving by and swearve into traffic or shoulder ditches)

Hey Gypsy, just think DOG SHOW signs, all they say is DOG SHOW and written within and arrow shape and they are allways the same color, (navt and white) so that folks know what to look for and all you do is follow the arrow. i dont think we need a bunch of info on them, just something simple and visible to glance which direction to go in. We could have them be yellow with black lettering and hen people get used to seeing that sign and associate it with the swaps/market fairs. Why am I feeling a deja vu here all of a sudden, I think i have heat stroke from riding in the bike run earlier...la lalalal...la la la....
That so sux! I also give a 4H discount on rabbits & chickens to help the kids out. Once my kids are old enough, I want to get them into 4H and raise/show their own chickens (Edward loves the Bantam Dominiques and Ingrid can't get enough of the Silkies!)

I was approached to possibly set up a 4H poultry club in the area, but no one's called me yet to let me know. I think it would be great to have a poultry (and rabbit) club here. I was thinking if I did get a club together, I'd look into doing an open poultry/rabbit show at the fairgrounds to help raise money for the club, but not if all the $ will just go to paying the fairgrounds!


Heh I can help get that going and dare they refuse me a 4 H discount I would go straight to the papers with it.
It was very unfair and I am going to speak with Gail about the next Pony show going much better for the kids.
I am going to work with her on the Fair comittee .as the saing goes
" something wicked this way comes"
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and what a little cuddle bug he is also.
the kids have been running around with him since I brought him home.
that day between all 5 kids that poor rabbit thought his legs had gone missing, everyone including rita lugged him everywhere. LOL.
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