Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I went outside to the hen house and I think the kiddos grew about 2" overnight. They were standing around with the big girls looking almost as big. 9 weeks... Sure are pretty kiddos!
you might try poly-vi-sol liquid vitamins... a drop in the beak and added to the water seems to do a lot of sfh chicks a lot of good...

bulldogma has more experience with unthrifty sfh chicks. i'm waiting for mine to hatch... (they are mine, right bulldogma? or was i hatching for you again?

They are yours!
Welp, she just passed. What. A. Bummer.

So sorry!
Any breed new to a country will go through a phase where they must adjust. The ones that are not cut out for life in the US will die off, leaving only the stronger ones with good immune systems.

So sorry for your loss, though. Do you have any idea how she was exposed? Of course cocci is present in the gut of all chickens... it only makes them ill when there is an overgrowth. If you don't feed fermented feed, you might give it a try. The "good bacteria" in FF can really help boost their immune systems!

I put 17 pure eggs in lockdown yesterday from my own flock out of 21 set. Then I have some half swedes in there that are blocked off from the pure so I can band the pure ones at hatch. Hoping for chicks in a couple days!!
Well, everyone else seems to be healthy today, no ruffled feathers even. They will stay on Corid until Saturday then back to normal. I tried them with fermented feed and nobody ate it, so I abandoned it.

The only way I can explain exposure is that clean-looking dish I brought in might have had a few coccidia on it simply from the chicken dust from the older birds, and the one with the lowest immune system got sick. It was clean, as in no poop, but I store chicken stuff all together, and chicken dust gets on everything. When we build a big coop, I'm planning a separate room entirely for equipment. My kids also have gotten to where they like to go check for eggs, and it's possible one of them was in the nest boxes then came around later and played with babies and didn't wash, even though I'm pretty insistent on hand washing before playing with the babies and afterwards for one's health.

I kind of wonder if I have a bunch of roos though....the oldest one definitely is (and his attitude fits his name, which is Wasp, as he is rather aggressive when you go into the brooder, coming at my hand a bit, and pecked me this morning when I was giving them new feed) but everyone else except the tiny, youngest one seems to have developed combs overnight. I am hoping it was just a growth spurt and they are all pullets.
Well, everyone else seems to be healthy today, no ruffled feathers even. They will stay on Corid until Saturday then back to normal. I tried them with fermented feed and nobody ate it, so I abandoned it.

The only way I can explain exposure is that clean-looking dish I brought in might have had a few coccidia on it simply from the chicken dust from the older birds, and the one with the lowest immune system got sick. It was clean, as in no poop, but I store chicken stuff all together, and chicken dust gets on everything. When we build a big coop, I'm planning a separate room entirely for equipment. My kids also have gotten to where they like to go check for eggs, and it's possible one of them was in the nest boxes then came around later and played with babies and didn't wash, even though I'm pretty insistent on hand washing before playing with the babies and afterwards for one's health.

I kind of wonder if I have a bunch of roos though....the oldest one definitely is (and his attitude fits his name, which is Wasp, as he is rather aggressive when you go into the brooder, coming at my hand a bit, and pecked me this morning when I was giving them new feed) but everyone else except the tiny, youngest one seems to have developed combs overnight. I am hoping it was just a growth spurt and they are all pullets.

Glad all the other babies are doing well!
here's praying for some pullets!

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