Swedish Flower Hen Thread

So I just candled my 8 eggs from wildhorse annie and 7 of 8 were well developed (day 13). The one that was not looked very porous and when I cracked it open it looked like the yolk had been scrambled. I am so very excited to have 7 SFH with a due date around 18june!!!

Totally random, but I have eggs hatching I forgot to take off the turner. One hatched and was trapped in the turner, so I had to open the incubator and rescue it. But of interest is the Cochin egg....the Cochin hens were running with the last adult SFH I had. It could be a half breed. And that could be quite an interesting looking bird!

We shall see....it's pipping! I'm anxiously awaiting to see if I get any Silkie eggs to hatch, the last of my bravest one, one pipped, but at the wrong end and I tried to help it out, but it was dead already. Two more waiting to see if they pip. Wish I'd remembered to take them off the turner. If they die, it's nobody's fault but mine. Humidity was low too, so I added water and it's fine now.
Totally random, but I have eggs hatching I forgot to take off the turner. One hatched and was trapped in the turner, so I had to open the incubator and rescue it. But of interest is the Cochin egg....the Cochin hens were running with the last adult SFH I had. It could be a half breed. And that could be quite an interesting looking bird!

We shall see....it's pipping! I'm anxiously awaiting to see if I get any Silkie eggs to hatch, the last of my bravest one, one pipped, but at the wrong end and I tried to help it out, but it was dead already. Two more waiting to see if they pip. Wish I'd remembered to take them off the turner. If they die, it's nobody's fault but mine. Humidity was low too, so I added water and it's fine now.

for the babies!
I see why you are laughing, BD! In a couple of days or a week, I am going to move them to the floor to give them more room. When I do that, I am going to take them out by first getting the ones I am positive about the breed, and that will help narrow down the unknowns and misidentified sfh. Also took some pics today, but not sure if I can see leg color in some of them.
I do think one that died was a sfh, from your pics. the one in distress, who is improving, is clearly not!
thanks so much for posting the pics.
As much as I'd like to, I really don't have the time to read throug 509 posts to find an answer. I've searched the thread for "crowing sound," but all I've found so far is that they start to crow fairly young and that it sounds like a pitiful 13-year-old boy whose voice is changing. Well, is there any better description of an adult swedish's crow? Volume, sound, frequency, peristence, etc. I'm really wanting to get swedish and let them raise their eggs, but only if the roos aren't very loud/frequent crowers, as the neighbor's neurotic dog, whom I do dearly love (the dog AND the neighbors), will go nutso barking and give himself an aneurism if he hears roosters out in the back. As it is, I'm locating the hen house on the opposite side of our house from their house, and as out of sight (from their deck/backyard) as I can, so I don't drive their poor dog (and them) bonkers. If swedish roos are quite loud and/or frequent crowers, I'll probably stick with ginger queen, marans, and easter eggers (or cream legbars if I can get them).

So, anyone who can describe or have a video link to a swedish roo crowing?
As much as I'd like to, I really don't have the time to read throug 509 posts to find an answer. I've searched the thread for "crowing sound," but all I've found so far is that they start to crow fairly young and that it sounds like a pitiful 13-year-old boy whose voice is changing. Well, is there any better description of an adult swedish's crow? Volume, sound, frequency, peristence, etc. I'm really wanting to get swedish and let them raise their eggs, but only if the roos aren't very loud/frequent crowers, as the neighbor's neurotic dog, whom I do dearly love (the dog AND the neighbors), will go nutso barking and give himself an aneurism if he hears roosters out in the back. As it is, I'm locating the hen house on the opposite side of our house from their house, and as out of sight (from their deck/backyard) as I can, so I don't drive their poor dog (and them) bonkers. If swedish roos are quite loud and/or frequent crowers, I'll probably stick with ginger queen, marans, and easter eggers (or cream legbars if I can get them).

So, anyone who can describe or have a video link to a swedish roo crowing?
As much as I'd like to, I really don't have the time to read throug 509 posts to find an answer. I've searched the thread for "crowing sound," but all I've found so far is that they start to crow fairly young and that it sounds like a pitiful 13-year-old boy whose voice is changing. Well, is there any better description of an adult swedish's crow? Volume, sound, frequency, peristence, etc. I'm really wanting to get swedish and let them raise their eggs, but only if the roos aren't very loud/frequent crowers, as the neighbor's neurotic dog, whom I do dearly love (the dog AND the neighbors), will go nutso barking and give himself an aneurism if he hears roosters out in the back. As it is, I'm locating the hen house on the opposite side of our house from their house, and as out of sight (from their deck/backyard) as I can, so I don't drive their poor dog (and them) bonkers. If swedish roos are quite loud and/or frequent crowers, I'll probably stick with ginger queen, marans, and easter eggers (or cream legbars if I can get them).

So, anyone who can describe or have a video link to a swedish roo crowing?

I have a 23 week old cockerel. Crows frequently. Loud.

I love to hear a rooster crow...and so do my neighbors. But that isn't the case w/all people.
As much as I'd like to, I really don't have the time to read throug 509 posts to find an answer.  I've searched the thread for "crowing sound," but all I've found so far is that they start to crow fairly young and that it sounds like a pitiful 13-year-old boy whose voice is changing.  Well, is there any better description of an adult swedish's crow?  Volume, sound, frequency, peristence, etc.  I'm really wanting to get swedish and let them raise their eggs, but only if the roos aren't very loud/frequent crowers, as the neighbor's neurotic dog, whom I do dearly love (the dog AND the neighbors), will go nutso barking and give himself an aneurism if he hears roosters out in the back.  As it is, I'm locating the hen house on the opposite side of our house from their house, and as out of sight (from their deck/backyard) as I can, so I don't drive their poor dog (and them) bonkers.  If swedish roos are quite loud and/or frequent crowers, I'll probably stick with ginger queen, marans, and easter eggers (or cream legbars if I can get them).

So, anyone who can describe or have a video link to a swedish roo crowing?
My adult SFH did crow loudly and often, especially in the mornings and evenings. I had a neighbor up here complaining a bit, and he lives several farms over.

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