Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Wow, everyone's SFH's are growing so fast and so beautiful. It makes me realize I need to get some updated pics of mine to post.

Yes, yes! I would love to see some pictures of my chicks parents!
Just checking in,

DD took her camera and mine is junk. I can't get decent pictures and can't or don't want to buy a new camera right now. Plus I need DD's help to hold these guys still.

Very nice pics. Phage.
Cleaning day today and I took a good look at everyone. Mine look pretty much like everyone else's. Except for Mr. Crooked toes. Some have toes curled outward but I've seen that here.

Here's some pics. Mr. Crooked toes has a different coloring and comb. Not sure he's a SFH at all. Not even sure he's a he. If so he's out.


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