Swollen around the ear!

The eyes look good. Have you noticed any nasal discharge? If not, it appears it could be similar to a wax buildup or something with the ear. Have you try to moisten it to see if something has dried there that could be removed? It's hard to tell by the pics, but that is what I think I'm seeing.
No, I haven't consulted a vet, yet...I don't really have the funds to do so right now, so that's why I'm hoping I can figure this out and treat it myself. And, he has no other symptoms. He seems to be acting normal, otherwise...that's why I don't understand what this could be! I started treating him with the Duramycin-10. The local tractor supply place suggested I give it a try. He's only been taking it for about 3 days now, so I haven't seen any change. And, he's not the most cooperative to examine. I did try to squeeze it, to see if anything would come out, but he squirmed.
........when you squeezed it did it feel hard or soft, wondering if it could be an absess? [sp] maybe very warm compresses. might need to try a different antibiotic I don't know, but I bet it was painful when you squeezed it........... also wonder if you called your vet just to ask about which antibiotic would be best if they'd tel ya?
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There is no vet from the state?

It is better if you keep the hen isolated and see how the infection progresses. I hope that everything will go smoothly.
Just went to check on him...I was keeping him in a box downstairs and when I peaked in, I saw blood in the box. So, I inspected and I don't know what he did or how he did it, but he was bleeding from the swollen ear hole. I don't know if he bumped it or if something burst. So, I took him out and washed all the blood (that I could) from his feathers and I examined the area. It isn't bleeding much anymore. I applied pressure to it...he was actually cooperative this time. And, to answer your question Miss Lydia...it doesn't feel hard. I was able to squeeze it and he didn't really flinch, this time.

I don't have a vet for him...I've never had to take him to one. I'm not even sure there is one around here that cares for chickens. I'm posting more pictures. Again, there seems to be no other symptoms! This is getting weird! What can I put on it? Anything I would have in my medicine cabinet...like Neosporin or Vaseline? What can I use to clean it better? So far, I used water and a drop of baby soap and rinsed it good, afterwards!

Thanks to anyone who can help!


Poor boy! Good thing you had him separated, as the sight of blood may have caused the other chickens to Peck at him and make it worse, if not kill him!

My approach would be to soak it daily with a warm compress, wash it with a mixture of betadine and water, and apply neosporin (the kind without pain killer in it)

I'd keep treating with the antibiotics, although without knowing what you're treating, its hard to know which antibiotic to use.

Keep us updated, I wish I had better advice for you
could have been an abcess that opened on it's own like the last post keep it clean, don't know about the antibiotics maybe someone else can weigh in on that. I'd say he's on the way to recovery now. but keep him seperate from the others til he's healed.
Hi ya, I think he might got a ear infection. Jody(hinkjc) mentioned about it first and I think so too. You might wanna check about the bird ear infection. I will check it too. Hope he will get better soon. Noriko.
I've read other posts, where ear infections cause dizziness...which he doesn't seem dizzy. He's walking fine. Or, where the chicken may hold its head to one side. He isn't doing that, either. I'm not completely ruling it out. But, would the Duramycin-10 help with that, if he did have an ear infection?

Also, do I have to use Betadine to clean the ear, or can it be any type of antiseptic?? I have ear cleaner left over from when my daughter got her ears pierced, which is an antiseptic. Would that be safe to use on him??
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