Swollen eye, no other symptoms?


5 Years
May 12, 2018
Southeastern mass
I posted a few weeks ago with my EE and a swollen eye which receded and recently reappeared along with swollen eyes on two other Ameraucanas. I have heard one sneeze in like three days, have been watching closely for pus and eye bubbles, rattling or stinky breath, nasal discharge, and have come up empty on each. I have tried opthamologic ointment on a few, vetrx in water and under wings and although better, the swelling has persisted a few days. Any thoughts? They are 11 weeks old and I'd like to avoid giving them all tylan if I can but want to relieve them from whatever ails.
Since you have more than 1 that have developed symptoms you are likely dealing with a respiratory disease. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044
It would be hard to know which one without testing, but Mycoplasma and Infectious Bronchitis are fairly common.

I would continue with the Terramycin in the eyes. If the swelling worsens or they have new symptoms then consider the Tylan. Antibiotics only treat secondary infections and won't cure the disease.

If you have a vet that can see them that would be good, you may also want to contact your state lab to see if they accept swabs, that will help determine what you are dealing with.

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