Swollen Pus-Filled Eye and Nostril HELP PLEASE


5 Years
Feb 10, 2014
My 2 yo welsummer hen Turbo is experiencing a very swollen eye, roof of her mouth, and nostril. Noticed last night, but no other issues (eating and drinking okay).

This morning checked on her again. Her nostril, eye, and roof of mouth were even worse. Cleaned her up, drained the abscess of as much pus as possible. Administered an antibiotic eye ointment and Vet RX.

Any idea on what is going on and what I can do?? Worried about my baby girl.

Thanks in advance for the help!
It sounds like a sinus infection, which can be common with mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) or coryza. Is there a bad odor around the head? I would get some injectable Tylan 50, and give it orally. Dosage is 0.2 ml per pound 3 times daily for 3-5 days. If you can only give it twice a day, increase the dosage to 0.3 ml per pound. If coryza is suspected, it can cause a bad odor, thick yellow nasal drainage, coughing, and rattly breathing. Sulfa antibiotics, such as Sulfadimethoxine or Albon in combination with Tylan are sometimes used to treat coryza. Here is a good link that has common respiratory diseases and symptoms:

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