***tan Tax***

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Farmerchick: I said that I loved the dog!!! I need you to acknowledge that I said that before we can continue this debate!!!!!
Just kidding!!!!! Trying to bring humor to something that really ain't funny!!!!
I think threads like this (even opposing views) are a good means to get us all THINKING. Think back to when Ross Perot ran for President.....were any of us ever more educated to the "goings on" of gov't than we were then?

I think both sides need to take a good hard look at how/where money is spent. Even Republicans are notorious for adding "pork riders" to certain bills in order for them to vote for it....enough already!

If you can't justify deficit spending in your own household (we know living beyond our means doesn't work...look where the current credit crisis landed us), then why would it work in gov't??!! We (collectively, the US) are spending money we ain't got!!
i got a bonus this year from my job. they gave me a $1,000.00 bonus and said it would be deposited in my account this week. i just checked my account. after taxes, it was $657.43. are you kidding me? and this is BEFORE my bank takes out their "fees". absolutely rediculous. this government does nothing for me. nothing at all. the police? please....a woman ran into my truck on my way to work. she got out stumbling and falling down, but not hurt. clearly on drugs or alcohol. it too the police one hour and 45 minuts to show up!! when i told them this lady was falling down and could barely speak, the cop said. and i quote. "i didn't witness it so i cannot do anything about it" that's what my taxes pay for? BS. not if, but when a revolution begins, i'm in. and i'm ready.
One last thought for the year 2009....I took this from Mahroni's signature line but it is sooooo true!!

"The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher
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