***tan Tax***

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Thanks, Boyd!

Interesting article. It looks like nothing is set in stone yet.
no it's all up in the air. I won't worry till I see it, but all these proposed taxes happen every day. right now they get much more press
Sin tax in michigan has just about doubled anyways in the last 10 years.
One of my favorite bumper stickers was the one that said "The lesser of two evils is STILL evil. Vote Libertarian!"

I agree that it would be fab if the morons in power (btw that WE put there) had to know about budgeting... maybe if we petition we can get them to pass a law demanding minimum education for them... IE they MUST take Home Etc, Math of Money (what they were called in our school) before they can be entrusted to know what the average citizen needs and wants? They'd have to understand the cost of eggs before they could pass a new tax on them? They'd have to be able to balance a checkbook before being trusted to balance the entire country's.

Yes, that'd be lovely. But then, what excuse could they use for not doing what the people want or need, but instead what THEY or their real employers (campaign donators like Ford, Lockheed, Phillip Morris) want/need??

And transparency is a joke. While the entire country was freaking out over the Health Care Bill a Defense Bill with 1720 earmarks was passed without a peep. Only 10 senators had the nerve to not vote for those 1720 earmarks, and you can bet your bazooka that they'll be burned at the stake as anti-patriotic for doing it. It's a sad day when patriotism is used as a club to keep people in line.

just don't even sum it up.
I had a good chuckle at that article and the argument that this tax discriminates against women because they tend to have more elective, cosmetic procedures done.

No one has to get a tan. No one has to have Botox. No one needs a face lift. If you have the income to do these things you don't need, which in some cases may have long term health effects, I think you can suffer a little extra tax. Ditto with cigarettes. Don't like the cost? Don't do it.

I'd much rather see this than an increase in income or sales tax.
Careful , next it will be increase tax if you go to a movie, out to eat, bowling and etc. No one has to do these either.

What next tax you for getting CANCER....

Tax those that get snow in their yard. Snow or rain tax!!!!!!!!!!
Lets tax congress with every tax they pass, no matter what it is. times two......

How about taxing those in southern States after all they get more sun, so more tans there.

I just think ,they have some dumb reasons, just so they can get more money to spend!!!!!!
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