

17 Years
Apr 30, 2007
Deer Park Washington
I just got my first tattoo on Tuesday and I think I am hooked. I got my last name on my upper right arm so it can be covered by a t-shirt if needed. It was only $20, its about 1/2" tall by 3" long. It took about 5 minutes from start to finish and it didnt hurt much. I was expecting pain but it felt like a thorn scratch at first and a little burn afterwards. I was also expecting my muscle to hurt afterwards but it didnt.
I am already planning my next one, I want a rooster. I was thinking like a 1950's style cartoon looking one at first but now I am thinking something more like a cool looking game or jungle fowl. I want one with a single comb, BBR coloring, and an upright tail. It has to be no bigger than 2x2 so I can get it for $20. So now I am trying to find a good picture for one.

What does everyone else have? Any cool chicken tattoos?

Here is a link to the pics on my facebook.
I have an eagle tatoo... and a couple of "loose" feathers floating around in his flight path

those took a while.. lotta different colors....
During the summer in Indiana or the winters if we're in Florida, I shave my head bald as a billiard ball. I first shaved head after two consecutive haircuts, one bad one one day and a helpless one the second day that couldn't correct the previous day's disaster. I looked at my handsome countenance in the mirror and decided that a tatoo of a honeybee top and front of my right ear would look neat, and it does.
I don't have a chicken tattoo but I always thought the roo in my avatar would make a good tattoo cause he's such a pretty boy
At least I think so!

i have 6 tats. i have no chicken ones though. i have as my first tattoo, a 4x5 inch anchor with my Oldest DD's name on my upper right arm($165), my second and third tats were the same night together and are a 2 by 2 1/2 inch panda also with my oldest dd's nickname on my upper right chest, and a 1 inch anchor on my left ankle($90 together), my 4th tat is a bio mechanical piece 6 inches long by 2 inches high on my upper left arm($50). my 5th tattoo is a 7 1/2 by 5 inch fairy with my middle Dd's name($300). and my last one(so far) is a 4 by 4 inch set of tribal sea horses on the back of my neck($120)
adn yes they are addicting! my next one will by my youngest DD's name with somethign.. like another sea horse or ... not sure lol.






and my newest one. which i love sooo much!

eta.. where they are located lol
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i totally agree. id never go just by the size and say i only want to pay a set amount. id never make my sea horses smaller or my fairy or any other one. i love them all. and when you do smaller you don't get a great quality of detail.
eventually want to get wings on my back.. but price is holding me back;)


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