TC Hatchery


10 Years
Mar 26, 2009
Forsyth County
Hey Everyone!

I live in Forsyth County, Georgia. This will technically be the second year of operation. I run a small scale hatchery out of my house. I am a senior in highschool this year, waiting to graduate! I hope to sell a lot this year, while I am primarily a seasonal operation, since I am not large scale. I will be hatching speckled sussex, buffs, and dominickers as of right now. I am NPIP certified. If anyone needs anything, just let me know!

[email protected]

Tyler Cleveland
Just a suggestion, you need to learn the right names of the breeds if you intend to sell them. Buff whats ??? Buff is a color, not a breed, Buff Orpingtons???, also there is no such breed as a "dominicker" thats just an "ol'timer" name that is incorrectly used to name most any bird with barred coloring from what I have saw. There are Barred Rocks ( single combed) and Dominiques ( rose combed) that are the two actual breeds that the name is commonly given to.
"Dominicker" is an ol'timer name but it is not used incorrectly. No one ever calls a barred rock a dominicker. The name Dominicker came around from the country people that didnt pronounce dominiques properly (im not trying to say anything bad about country folk, im country myself) and it just stuck. There is a complete difference between a dominicker and a barred rock. Thats why one has a rose comb and the other has a single comb. I was also told this by an older guy that I talked to at a chicken auction once because I also used to believe they were the same thing but in reality they are not.
"Dominicker" is an ol'timer name but it is not used incorrectly. No one ever calls a barred rock a dominicker. The name Dominicker came around from the country people that didnt pronounce dominiques properly (im not trying to say anything bad about country folk, im country myself) and it just stuck. There is a complete difference between a dominicker and a barred rock. Thats why one has a rose comb and the other has a single comb. I was also told this by an older guy that I talked to at a chicken auction once because I also used to believe they were the same thing but in reality they are not.

I know this and yes there are A LOT of people who call Barred Rocks " Domineckers", I wouldnt have brought it up otherwise, I hear it all the time and it drives me crazy. I know it is obviously an old country name from someone who probably couldnt pronounce it and the name just stuck, and theres nothing really wrong with that, but still, it is incorrect. In hatchery type birds, the comb is really the only difference between the Barred Rocks and Dominiques, but in the real Heritage Exhibition type birds of these breeds, there is a pretty big difference in type, as well as the comb.

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