Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

Good morning!
TeaChick, I found a great home for my chicks. I'm so happy for them and so relieved they will have a coop to protect them from the cold.

Now, I am going to start a new thread: "Let's count how many seconds it takes for poodlechicks to be logged out of the site every time the post is longer than a line" I'm done being mad. I'll see if I can make it work by joking about it
Good morning!
TeaChick, I found a great home for my chicks. I'm so happy for them and so relieved they will have a coop to protect them from the cold.

Now, I am going to start a new thread: "Let's count how many seconds it takes for poodlechicks to be logged out of the site every time the post is longer than a line" I'm done being mad. I'll see if I can make it work by joking about it

I'm so glad you found a good home for you chicks!!!

I'll check out your new thread. Glad you're done being made. =) Joking is a great way to feel better. =D

I got in my new little fuzz butts!!! They're so cute!!! I'm so excited!!! (Bet you couldn't tell. lol)
I feather-sexed them, but the woman I spoke to at the hatchery said that NHs can't be feather-sexed.
We'll see, I guess.
How are your chicks? Pics, please!
I'll be very bold today and try to post pics of mine (well, my former chicks anyway:)

Yay!! I post successful!! I can hardly believe it!!!

The ones in front of the carrier will stay here with me. The barred rock/cochin mix was an assisted hatch.She was born blind of one eye. Her buddy, the bantam rooster (no idea what breed he is) helps her get around. Very cute!
How are your chicks? Pics, please!
I'll be very bold today and try to post pics of mine (well, my former chicks anyway:)

Nice pics!!!
I'll post new pics ASAP. =)

Yay!! I post successful!! I can hardly believe it!!!

The ones in front of the carrier will stay here with me. The barred rock/cochin mix was an assisted hatch.She was born blind of one eye. Her buddy, the bantam rooster (no idea what breed he is) helps her get around. Very cute!

Aw, so sweet!!! What a good rooster!!!
I've been drinking iced tea this summer, but I'm looking forward to the weather cooling and having a nice, hot cup of tea. I usually don't sweeten my tea, but now I have honey from my hive, so I just might have to try some in my tea.

For those of you that love Mighty Leaf tea, their large sampler box always goes on sale around Christmas.
I've been drinking iced tea this summer, but I'm looking forward to the weather cooling and having a nice, hot cup of tea. I usually don't sweeten my tea, but now I have honey from my hive, so I just might have to try some in my tea.

For those of you that love Mighty Leaf tea, their large sampler box always goes on sale around Christmas.

You have bees?????
I want bees so bad I can taste it!!!
Please post on here even if you aren't drinking hot tea. I just stick in the last cup of tea I actually drank hot or the next one I plan to, etc, just to stay on topic. I think there's only so much that can be said about hot tea itself, but we can all enjoy a conversation and pretend that everyone's drinking tea, right?

I'll have to remember that. I haven't tried Mighty Leaf tea. Do you know if that's something I can get a Publix? Thanks for the tip!!!
Thanks, TeaChick and 3goodeggs! He is a nice little fellow.
Hi, ya!
I had to process a chicken today. =(
I'll make it up to myself this evening by having a nice hot cup of Irish Breakfast tea with sugar and milk.
Was it your first time processing? I can't bring myself to do it, but I do admire those who can.
I like Irish Breakfast, but I've been drinking English Breakfast in the mornings.
I've been drinking iced tea this summer, but I'm looking forward to the weather cooling and having a nice, hot cup of tea. I usually don't sweeten my tea, but now I have honey from my hive, so I just might have to try some in my tea.

For those of you that love Mighty Leaf tea, their large sampler box always goes on sale around Christmas.
I hope that sales happens here in NY too! I have visited some farms around here that keep bees. The honey is unbelievably tasty! I would just eat spoonfuls of it and forget about the whole tea thing
I think that between fresh eggs and your own honey you have it all, Happy Chooks :)

You have bees?????
I want bees so bad I can taste it!!!
Please post on here even if you aren't drinking hot tea. I just stick in the last cup of tea I actually drank hot or the next one I plan to, etc, just to stay on topic. I think there's only so much that can be said about hot tea itself, but we can all enjoy a conversation and pretend that everyone's drinking tea, right?

I'll have to remember that. I haven't tried Mighty Leaf tea. Do you know if that's something I can get a Publix? Thanks for the tip!!!
I think that's a great idea. We will just assume we are all having tea:) Or starting the post by saying: "this morning when I was drinking tea..."

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