Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

No, not my first. It's the last of the ones that my oldest son claimed as his. All the chickens are really mine, but he named these and all.

I like that idea: "this morning when I was having tea"...and thinking about the day ahead, and then some rabbit trail. Rabbit trails are easy! Lol
Quote: Yep. I just did my first honey harvest. 2 years of work finally paid off. (I lost my first bees their first winter and had to start over)

I buy my Mighty Leaf direct. It went on sale for less than $50 last year. A friend of mine introduced me to it, her family gives her a box of it every year for Christmas.

It looks like they have changed some of the teas in it. I got Rainforest Mate in mine, now I see that they have Mint Melange instead.

If you don't like certain teas, they have other boxes.

Just black teas:

Just herbal teas:

Green and white teas:
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How's everybody's weekend going so far? Its cool and rainy here. Perfect for a cup of tea!

Happy Chooks, Congratulations on your harvest. Your honey looks wonderful.

I bought Mighty Leaf's African Nectar. It's rooibos tea with marigold leaves and something else (the box is far... I'll get to it later:). It tastes good, but a bit too earthy to my taste. Has anybody else tried it ?
Yep. I just did my first honey harvest. 2 years of work finally paid off. (I lost my first bees their first winter and had to start over)

I buy my Mighty Leaf direct. It went on sale for less than $50 last year. A friend of mine introduced me to it, her family gives her a box of it every year for Christmas.

It looks like they have changed some of the teas in it. I got Rainforest Mate in mine, now I see that they have Mint Melange instead.

If you don't like certain teas, they have other boxes.

Just black teas:

Just herbal teas:

Green and white teas:

Oh, wow!!! Like I said, I really want bees. My grandparents are making a trip up here soon and he used to keep bees and he's the type that likes when you follow in his footsteps (even if it's just a little bit, he's so easy to please lol), and...I will be able to put my own honey in my hot tea (and cold, and in all kinds of other stuff). Oh, btw, speaking of putting honey in stuff, don't put it in straight or salted kefir; it make it taste just like vomit. I can drink plain kefir straight, it's like drinking buttermilk I imagine, but I can't stomach the stuff w/ honey in it. I'm sure it'd be fine if it was just a little honey and a bunch of other things...sorry)
Maybe he'll build me bee boxes; or help me out with it somehow.

Thank you so much for the link. I'm about to email a hint to my DH.

How's everybody's weekend going so far? Its cool and rainy here. Perfect for a cup of tea!

Happy Chooks, Congratulations on your harvest. Your honey looks wonderful.

I bought Mighty Leaf's African Nectar. It's rooibos tea with marigold leaves and something else (the box is far... I'll get to it later:). It tastes good, but a bit too earthy to my taste. Has anybody else tried it ?

My weekend has been crazy since Wed. I had to process a rooster (too many and he's harassing the girls who are laying). Thurs, I had to get rid of a cockerel I couldn't keep and I couldn't rehome (hate those!!!). Yesterday, we had to go shopping b/c we were out of stuff. Today, we had to go get feed and some other stuff.
and a little bit of
and then I get punchy in the evenings and I
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The weather here is hot, but a nice cup of hot tea is just the thing at the end of a long day, or several in a row. I was out of chamomile the other night, but I'm going to have decaf Irish B-fast this evening (if I can get one of my minions to make it for me).

I haven't tried Mighty Leaf's teas, but I've tried rooibos (that's red tea, right?) before; I don't care for it. Maybe I didn't put the right stuff in it. I used to think I didn't like coffee, but then I tried it with chocolate and, lo and behold, I have it several times a week now! lol Anyway, I think I also need to sort out how I like my green tea when I drink it hot or cold.
How do you all drink your green or red teas, hot or cold, with what in them?
It sounds like you really needed a relaxing cup of chamomile tea after such a long day.
Hope I- Breakfast did the trick for you:)
Yep, rooibos is red tea. And now I have a box full that tastes like tree bark :(
I don't drink green tea hot or cold. I can't stand the taste. I tried it many times because it is a healthy drink, but it didn't work out. Kind of like your keffir with honey
I like coffee with or without chocolate. It's the kind of drink I like to have with friends. I don't usually drink it when I'm by myself.

Good luck w/ planning and building your beehive! It's so wonderful to have a grandpa who can help you out with your project.
I hope I'll be able to build a bigger coop next spring because I really want lavender Orpingtons. I have enlisted my DH's help who wanted to start building it right away, but we already have too many things lined up for now.
How's everybody's weekend going so far? Its cool and rainy here. Perfect for a cup of tea!

Happy Chooks, Congratulations on your harvest. Your honey looks wonderful.

I bought Mighty Leaf's African Nectar. It's rooibos tea with marigold leaves and something else (the box is far... I'll get to it later:). It tastes good, but a bit too earthy to my taste. Has anybody else tried it ?

Yep, I like it. It definitely has a different taste.

Last night, I had 2 cups of numi roobios chai. I out a splash of coconut milk in it. Delicious.
It sounds like you really needed a relaxing cup of chamomile tea after such a long day.
Hope I- Breakfast did the trick for you:)
Yep, rooibos is red tea. And now I have a box full that tastes like tree bark

I don't drink green tea hot or cold. I can't stand the taste. I tried it many times because it is a healthy drink, but it didn't work out. Kind of like your keffir with honey
I like coffee with or without chocolate. It's the kind of drink I like to have with friends. I don't usually drink it when I'm by myself.

Good luck w/ planning and building your beehive! It's so wonderful to have a grandpa who can help you out with your project.
I hope I'll be able to build a bigger coop next spring because I really want lavender Orpingtons. I have enlisted my DH's help who wanted to start building it right away, but we already have too many things lined up for now.

Thanks. =)

I'm sorry about your tree bark tasting tea!!!

I understand about the green tea. I'm having a hard time making it work for me too. I really don't want to turn it into syrup to make it palletable (sp).

I drink coffee on the weekends w/ DH and on Tues and Thurs to avoid getting a headache. I drink hot tea other days and after my coffee is gone.

Thanks. I hope he's able to help; if not, I'm on my own.

I hope your lavender Orpington project goes well!!! My coops come out better when DH is enlisted.

My DH gets gun-hoe about something and, well, I just go with it. If I try to put him off, I might not get his help later on.

I found Might Leaf at Publix!!! I got some of their organic black iced tea. I think it's fantastic that it comes in mesh sachets instead of paper bags, and that it's loose tea, not tea dust (like comes in the paper bags). I made some today and I'll see how it is at dinner.
I also got some Publix brand green tea. They're brand is pretty good on other things I've tried, so I'm giving this a shot. I figure it's probably as good a green tea as I'm going to get for a reasonable price. I'm not willing to pay an unreasonable price for green tea; I'll pay a greater than reasonable price for black tea, if it's worth it, but not green tea. I have it chilled right now, so I'm going to try it plain to start, then I'll see what I think I want to add to it.
I'll let you all know what I come up with.
I didn't used to be a green tea fan either, but I have found a couple that I like. I can do Mighty Leaf's green teas and Lipton makes good ones that are green tea and fruit. I like the Green Tea Pomegranate. The fruit blending softens the harshness of the green tea, but you still get all the benefits of it.

Mighty Leaf's tea sachets can go in the compost pile too. Tea Chick - which flavor did you buy?
Thanks! I am longing for English lab. Orps. forever.
I had this delicious chamomile spearmint tea. It's my thing now, along with black tea.
I tried fruit and other herbs mixed in w green tea. I guess I just can't stand it.
I too feel like spending more for good quality black tea. I just love it.
I'm giving my rooibos/marigold to a friend today. I like rooibos better by itself.
I too like the fact that I can compost the bag. I am happy that now I generate very little garbage. I either compost, reuse or recycle. I'm still amazed by the amount of garbage my family generated a few years ago.
I'll look into publix. It's a website for different brands of tea, right? Pardon my ignorance.
DH just resigned to the fact that I love chickens and 6 aren't enough:) But I'm extra careful to make sure the birds are comfortable before I add more. And sometimes my over thinking can get in the way.

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