Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

My tiny sebright rooster only headbutted me once today! A small triumph!
I went out to give the girls a treat and discovered that 4 of them have started laying! They just turned 20 weeks old yesterday and since it is January I wasn't expecting fresh eggs any time soon so it was a nice surprise.
We had our highest egg production ever today! We thought it was 15 eggs but miscounted, was only 14, but still our highest ever! Yay for the longer days! A month ago, we were lucky to get 6 to 8 eggs a week. Not only have the senior hens resumed laying, but the young pullets that reached POL right when winter showed up (and, thusly, did not start laying) are starting up now. Wow, 14 eggs in one day. Woo hooo!!!!!
I got a much-needed hug from my boyfriend. And then I had some yummy chocolate when I got home. And I got THREE of my chickens to eat out of my hand, including my rooster! Success!!

And I had a nap. Naps are always good :)
I ran into someone that I used to have care, custody & control over...he was always a nice person, but in that situation you never really know. During the course of our conversation, he told me that I made him want to change his life. He's managed to stay out of trouble for a few years now, loves his wife & adores his kids. Says he now realizes that THEY are his priority. Made me happy that I could have someone tell me that after so many years!
Today I woke up without a headache.

That's an unusual occurrence.

Could yesterday's hour long massage be the reason for no 'head pain'?
I honestly don't know. Maybe the fact that the drilling and building across the road only started at 8AM and not 7Am this morning?
I have lovely high count sheets on my king size bed. I drove to work today ( I have a vehicle, gas and a job) Ate leftover homemade soup for lunch ( my mom made it and I had enough to eat). I have spent the evening with my youngest at home, just the two of us- kinda quiet. I fed the girls( chickens) when I got home from work and they were excited to see me ( AND DINNER). So I have alot to be thankful for. My husband is working late tonight, but tomorrow is Friday and a long weekend. Looking forward to cocooning at home with my baby girl and hubby.

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