Tell something about your self that would surprise others.

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KingsCalls reminded me with his post:

I was kicked out out ROTC.....On the first day no less

I was also kicked out of my middle school and had to go to a new one. It's a good thing that happened though, because through a chain of events (which would not have happened otherwise, I'm sure) I ended up meeting my husband!
You can add me to the Social Anxiety list... my sister and I were talking about this and decided we both must have some sort of sensory integration issues.. sound and smells do it for me.

Also irrationally afraid of spiders and clowns LOL!
When was that? I lived in San Diego till June.....

HUmm...I lived there from summer of 2001 until the summer of 2004

Well we might have bumped into each other then! I was there for 10 years...... how funny - cause now we're both sitting in snow up to our eyebrows!
I used to live In North Park/Kensington and Hillcrest...worked at a coffee shop there. Starbucks on University and Richmond! I worked there for the duration of time i was in San Diego. I loved it...miss my Es-Starbucks! (as mom calls it)
OH please tell me you know the secrets to the Peppermint Mocha - cause thats ALL I MISS!! Sheesh - I spent WAY too much money at starbucks (in El Cajon)

I worked for a few days at a Vets office in Kensington..... other than that most of my time was spent in the east county!
Speckled reminded me too... know the Hatfield and McCoys---my greatgrandmother-whom I had the good fortunate to know until I was 10, was a McCoy.
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