Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

I was reading some of these stories and my cat jumped through the window. Scared me half to death! Anyways, I've got a few.

There was one time that my cousin died, and it seemed like there were signs before it happened (most were just little, but still). For example, There was this song that my sister sand at my grandmas funeral. I didn't usually listen to that specific song but the night before it happened I couldn't stop listening to it (That's the smallest one). That same night, my sister had a dream about a different cousin dying. Another one, was that my aunt had some relatives staying with her. The day they left, they were driving home, when one of them has this really strong feeling that he needed to stay there and that my uncle would need him there.

Another one. Okay, let me start with the facts. We lived in a house with an upstairs and a basement. Me, my older sister, and my parents had room upstairs. One night, my sister was laying in bed when there where two consecutive HUGE bangs on her window (remember, she is upstairs). The next night, the same thing happened, two consecutive bangs on her window. The third night, she is doing laundry, and she hears something scratching at her window. At that point she was so scared she couldn't even sleep in her room, so she came in with me.
scarier than any thing!
Okay, I'll share one but you all will think I'm crazy (half of you already do, so I have nothing to lose I guess

This happened when I was a small child, but the memory is vivid.

My family lived on a remote mountain in the deep woods of Maine. I was maybe six when this happened. I was sitting in the garden, just sitting there, playing in the dirt. I suddenly got that weird feeling like something was staring at me. I looked up, across the large garden to the edge of the woods. I saw this creature, I have no idea what it was. It was about the size of a small dog, maybe a foot or so high and a couple feet long. It was tan colored and had a lion-like tail, long with a poof of fur at the end. And it had what I would describe as a lions mane, like a male lions mane, full and around it's whole face. Here's the crazy part, it had what looked like a human face. And it was staring at me, just silent and motionless, staring. I literally froze with fright, I had (and have) never seen anything like it in my life. I screamed, really loud, a shriek, and my father came running outside with a shot gun. Not sure why he came out with a gun, but he did. He ran over and I was pointing and screaming and he saw it and shot. I think he missed, and it turned and disappeared into the woods. I asked my father what it was, and he was kind of pale and all he said was "I don't know, go in the house". He walked into the woods and was gone for a while, apparently looking for it to no avail, and came back and that was the end of it. We never spoke of it again.

Years later, in my 20's, I was sitting with some roommates and we were telling stories like this, and I told my story. My roommate looked at me completely seriously and said "Sounds like a Manticore". I had heard of a Manticore, knew it was some sort of mythical creature, but didn't know what one looked like. The next day out of curiosity I went to the book store (this was pre-internet, lol) and looked up a "Manticore". I was totally shocked at what I saw. It was almost identical to my memory, except that some of the drawings of them had wings, and this creature definitely did NOT have any wings that I saw, and I saw it pretty clearly. So I can't explain the wings, but otherwise it looked exactly like what I saw.

For the record, I do not believe in mythical creatures, lol, I swear. But the fact is I did see something, and it really looked like what's known as a "Manticore". And I never even knew what a Manticore was until my 20's. So I don't know what to say, I know it sounds crazy. To this day I think back on it, it's so vivid in my head, even though it makes NO SENSE.

Here's a couple images of Manticores. It looked a lot like these images, but no wings, and very small, not big at all. About the size of a cocker spaniel. The bottom image looks most like it, with no wings, only the mane looked more like the top pic.

Go ahead and laugh, I know it's bizarre. I can't explain it myself and my father won't even talk about it.


where was this? makes me get chills just reading about it! thanks for posting yours!!!
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I am going to post a new Story, This one is about a man that seems to stalk my family. It all started with my dad. He was thirteen or fourteen and on a scout trip. So he and a few other scouts go and walk away from their camp and they see this man Standing up on the hill in a trench coat. He motions for them to come so they warily walk up to the guy. My dad said the man held out his hand and he had a fossil in it. So they took it and the man offered to shake their hand. Up until this day my mom says not to shake the hand of anything supernatural
So they took the fossil back to camp and told the scout leader about the man on the hill. They all had chills and their hair was on end. The scout leader and the kids walked back to the hill and the man was gone. They walked all over and could not find him. So after that the scout leader told them not to stray from camp.
Now about six years later my dad and his friend were deer hunting and they are flying down the road and then the same guy in the trench coat walks out in front of them from behind a tree. They hit the breaks, and the guy stood their in the middle of the road. My dad says all he wanted to do was get out of their. So they put the truck in revers and turn to back up and the guy is their. So they go to go forward and the guy is their. By then my dad is freaking out and his friend is too. He said they just hit the gas and drove froward. And they guy just stepped out of the way like it was nothing. They just kept driving and didn't look back.

So now the story moves on to my older brother. He was chased by a man in a trench coat a few years ago. I dont know if it was coincidence or what.

Now here is my part, I was walking in the woods by our house, I was probably a mile away from home. So I am walking and I see something out of the corner of my eye. I turn and their is nothing their. Then it happens again. Again nothing. So I start walking again at a faster pace. Then I stop dead in my tracks. A tall man in a trench coat is standing before me with his hand out in front of him like he wants something. I remember my hands starting to shake and the man smiling wickedly. I turned and ran. He chased me. That was scary, he ran from tree to tree right after me. I was so scared. Then once I reached a point in the woods by a little shack that used to be their he stopped and wouldn't come near me. Then he just turned and started to walk and vanished in a dark apparation thing. Its hard to describe.

Things like this have came to be excedingly normal in my family. Since my grandma had a knack for talking to ghosts, and My mom does too. I wont say any thing about my self tho
I've heard of ball lightening but I've never personally seen it. My mother described it to me after she saw it some years ago and my ex had seen it bob through a pasture one time. If it was ball lightening. I don't think the experts still know exactly what 'ball lightening' is either...
My brother saw ball lightning once while he was driving back from getting some corn. he said the lightning flashed and then went into balls that fizzled out kindof. we all thought it was cool
The Mothman was a very real thing. Anyone ever see the movie?
It wasn't like that.

I live in the Mothman area. As teenagers, we hung out in the TNT
playground. I remember looking for
ohio grass man
thats why i move my butt when i put the ladies up. also we have a pack off coyotes wont put it past them to attack anyone who is out and about late at night alone (i have a walk to the coop that you cant see from the main house but you can hear every thing.
Well...After reading all of these...I will be sleeping with all the lights on!! I don't know what it is but I love reading about creepy unexplainable stories even though it freaks me out! lol
i want to stop reading but i cant! some are so vividly written i can see it! or feel like i shared the memory!

Ok - it took a while, but I've finally finished reading this thread . . . scary stuff!
But, what terrified me the most, was the stick figure guys! I've never heard of such a thing, and I'm a bit scared to look it up.
If I don't know about it, that means I'm safe, right???

I mostly believe in ghosts, and definitely believe in God and the devil (good and evil), and I believe there are things out there that we don't understand - perhaps we aren't meant to . . .

I've lived a pretty mundane life, especially compared to those who've shared stories here. I do believe, though, that a couple of years ago, maybe 6 months or so before my Mom passed away, that my Grandma (my Mom's mother) stopped in to visit for a moment or 2. It was weird - and not at all scary - all of a sudden, I had a feeling that Grandma was in the room with me. I didn't hear anything, or smell anything, or see anything, or have the physical sensation of feeling anything - I just knew Grandma was there, and it was . . . nice. She had passed away more than 35 years before that, and while she's often in my thoughts, nothing like that had ever happened before, or has since. I wonder if she was trying to give me a heads' up about my Mom - who was ill, but I had no idea she'd pass away as soon as she did . . .

Anyone got more stories? Please? Deep down, I think we like to be scared - if only just a little bit.

One night something strange happened when I was over at a friends house playing cards. Right out side his dining room window was a pole for the tv antenna. Well we were all just sitting there at the table right in front of the window when all of a sudden this ball of electricity, about the size of a soccer ball, came down the pole. There were no storms in the area so I don't think it was lightning.
Actually, it was lightning. I had some thing like that happen to me. I did some research and it turns out it was some kind of lightning called ball lightning. Odd, but its nothing paranormal.
There's this campus that I used to go to school at it had a school in it for kids (not many kids). It's also a place where people from all over the world come and get educated on how to be teachers using something called study tech. So this campus is probably about 100 acres and it has a HUGE building on it which used to be a convent, half of the building was built in 1931 and the other in 1969, just to give you an idea. The graveyards have now been moved and the building renovated for about 7 years but I still believe several people stayed behind. Now this building has MANY rooms for the people that come in to get educated/most of the staff.

Since they were a little short in housekeeping I volunteered quite often and I remember being in the laundry room with my friend folding laundry all of a sudden there was a HUGE bang on the door! Both of us freaked out and we went to see what had made the noise, we opened the door and there was no one there! There were some people down the hall but they were all talking, there was no way it could have been them!

That was one thing then one day I was in the laundry room and I heard foot steps go by - the door was open so I would have seen someone go by- there was none there and well I quickly ran away haha!

There are two more times I've had things happen, one would be: I was cleaning with two of my friends in a room way down the hall, I remind you this is on the same floor. We were all talking in the room when we started hearing knocking it didn't really sound like it was coming from a different room, it sounded like the one we were in but no one else was down that part of the hall, it happened several times and he still had no idea where it was coming from. I can assure you we quickly finished cleaning that room! I didn't go back down there very often after that...

And then the last isn't long at all.. I was sitting in a lounge with a few friends and we heard loud noises like someone was scraping their hands down a window, the next day I looked at the window that sound was coming from and there were hand marks down the window!

Any way those are my stories now that I've written them they aren't that scary but it was so scary when it happened!

There have been many people who have seen/hear worse things then I ever did. A few people have had things get moved or dropped or seen shadows or actual bodies, I do believe this building is haunted!

I'm curious to know what it looks like from someone elses point of view?


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