
I haven't lost power, but will turn on the heat tonight. Best of luck to you.

I'm using a heat lamp also; day and night-seems to be helping. No new deaths today. Lost a turkey and a couple serama chicks yesterday. This is the first day since the storm that I haven't lost any of the flock. The loss of electricity-cold-wet-no antibiotics-no way to warm the birds-has taken a toll on the few birds I have. Best of luck to you too.
South-West Tennessee-near Memphis.
Have 16 hens, 6 roos: tetra browns, black Australorps, Blue Australorps, BLR Wyandotte, Buff Orps, Marans, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, a couple ducks, & a Sebright roo that needs a good new home with other bantys.
Hi there and welcome :frow
Hi there and welcome :frow
Thank You neighbor!! Been here about seven years & love it but my husband recently took an assignment off the mainland. It could be for another three months or for a of couple years. In the meantime I need to rehome most of my flock and either bring my favorite, 1/2 dozen or so, with me or find a foster-home for them-any ideas or suggestions? We plan on renting our home if it turns out to be long term but wont know that for sure until mid february.
South-West Tennessee-near Memphis.
Have 16 hens, 6 roos: tetra browns, black Australorps, Blue Australorps, BLR Wyandotte, Buff Orps, Marans, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, a couple ducks, & a Sebright roo that needs a good new home with other bantys.

Hello from Scotts Hill, TN (near Lexington). My flock is small at this time: 3 midget white turkeys, 5 long tail chickens with 4 2 week old chicks, and 10 serama bantams with 2 clutches of eggs hatching after Christmas.
South-West Tennessee-near Memphis.
Have 16 hens, 6 roos: tetra browns, black Australorps, Blue Australorps, BLR Wyandotte, Buff Orps, Marans, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, a couple ducks, & a Sebright roo that needs a good new home with other bantys.

Are they black copper marans? I don’t have room for them all but have halfway been lookin for some dark egg marans to put with my ameracaunas.
Hi everyone! We're in east Tennessee (Monroe County). Our current crew consists of a Salmon Faverolle hen, Sapphire Plymouth Rock hen, Easter Egger roo (was supposed to be a female🤦), and a Silkie roo. We'll soon be looking to expand our small flock since we need more girls now. We also have a male and female pekin and 3 Khakis (1 is male). I'm told we should add a few girls to this group also.

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