
Hot2Pot. I'm in Whiteville just West of you!
I just inherited 5 hens from an employee and have been working on coop and run for days.
I'm about 4 hours from being done and now have got snow.

Grundy what kind are they? Are these your first. BEWARE!!! they are addicting!Lol.

We have about one and a half inches,but its warming up.Hope it doesn't melt before morning because its a real pretty one,sticking to the trees and everything.

Anyone have or know anyone who does,turken bantams? I will have bantam eggs as soon as its warm enough to ship , $8 dozen + and shipping which is usually under $10. EEs,assorted old english,barred rock , golden neck and belgian quail d'ancers.
supposedly Ameraucanas, but all I know is they lay pale green eggs.
They are bigger than I thought though...
Once I get everything squared away I'll post some pictures.
Really wanted a variety but these were living in a basement half
the time according to my employee and not only were they free I was worried about raising babies.

Win-win for me.

I can already tell I need to build bigger roosts.
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