
I checked... the ad was taken off. What was it?

it was a teacher in Knoxville who hatches chicks with her class (elementary school) every year. she was looking for some cheap or free hatching eggs. i have her email if anyone is interested.
mine have been acting like spoiled brats all week and almost refusing to come out of the coop... as soon as it started raining i ran up there to close them in (they are way up in a field and i knew i would have a hell of a time getting up there after the rain) and they were, of course, already safe and sound inside. a few looked damp and a bit wind blown, so i guess they had at least been outside a bit today. silly chickens- i think they think it's still winter.
I'm new to the backyard chicken scene, and wanted to find out whether there are any Maryville people out there that I can lean on. I've already learned a lot in the last two weeks (got chicks then), but could certainly stand to know someone locally that is willing to be a mentor! Anyone out there?
I'm from Maryville as is bibliophile bird. I've had my chickens for about 1 year now, but the important things I've learned came from right here. There are people on this forum who are actual "experts" and can guide you through everything from feeding, watering and housing to handling emergencies such as illness and injuries. I only wish I had been reading these posts before I got my first chickens. You can PM me with questions if you don't feel right about posting them, but I'm afraid it would be like the blind leading the blind.

By the way

Had my chickens for 3 years now, after having them on the farm as a kid growing up. I show mine and sell hatching eggs. If you can't get hold of kcsunshine or bibliophile birds I'll be happy to help if I can.

I'm in Seymour, close to the point where Blount, Sevier & Knox counties all meet up.
Always happy to help! ALways happy to addict someone new to chickens, too

Will be in Maryville tonight, practising with the community orchestra....

as kc said, i'm in Maryville too! i got my chickens almost 6 months ago and am currently walking a friend through his first foray into chicks, so i'm fresh on newbie questions! feel free to PM me but seriously don't hesitate to ask questions anywhere on this forum. i didn't know anyone with chickens when i got started and this site was a godsend. but, of course, it's fun to have some locals in the know too!

edited because i answered my own question...
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Thanks to those of you who have responded! It's good to know that there are people close by to get support from, even though the whole BYC community seems wonderful!

By the way, I read one of bibliophile's responses to another post and wondered about the buyer's club for Countryside Naturals. What are the details of such a thing? I want to feed organic, but know that it will be a challenge to find locally.
Attention East Tennessee BYC folks!!

A while back I mentioned getting together and chatting somewhere.
I had thought the Cracker Barrell in Maryville might be a good spot for a lot of us.

Anyone interested?
Suggested dates? (not March 27th as the Clayton Center opening will be taking up a lot of my time)

Is it okay to just meet, eat and talk? Or do we want to find a place for bird-swapping as well?
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