
Hello, I am in Shelby County, TN. I live in Millington (yes, the flood town, lol).
I have just bought 3 baby chicks and they are now one week old. I am amazingly in love with them. At just the first week I had no idea that they would be so amazingly cool and loveable!
Hop aboard this chick addiction train.
Hey Karen,

I'm taking a 12 passenger van full of folks from my church's senior adult Sunday School class to the Amish sale on Saturday. I've told everyone that I would be picking them up in Greenback ~ 0700. Is that reasonable? I'm assuming that the sale gets started pretty early, so we would want to get there by 0900 or so. Is this too late in the morning? Will everything be gone by then? I'm planning on secretly taking everyone to breakfast at the Huddle House in Madisonville, but haven't decided if it would be better to go before or after. I'm guessing before because I'm planning on coming back with more than I left with, but it' still up in the air.....sorry, I'm rambling.

what a nice thing to be doing
you'al will have fun.

May I ask for good wishes and prayers?
From my Tn. neighbors.

our priest
had double knee replacement.
This morning.
thanks a bunch.
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One bird per lap perhaps
how are you supposed to cart home all the animals you are going to buy if the van is full of seniors? or are you trying to trade them...?

tn.lou :

One bird per lap perhaps
how are you supposed to cart home all the animals you are going to buy if the van is full of seniors? or are you trying to trade them...?


One bird per lap!! lol!!! I just pictured that. LMAO! You know that van would be loud then... "bawk, bawk.... err err errr errrrrrr... bawk bawk.... What's that you said Ethel?... bawk" lol.

Sorry. That would work, though... assuming everyone has towels on their laps and experience holding chickens.

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