
Jenski.. the ice blocks really help.
I made mine from gal. plastic bottles. and some from cartens.
and after they froze
I hammered a hole in the bottom with screw driver and set them
in to a rubber pan they melted slowly and so far no wasted water and extra trips.
to the coop.
it so much better then all the water's I bought.
I wish I knew then what I learned now.

even in the cold months the rubber pans are better.
(I set mine into a kitty litter pan filled with stahll dry and wood shaving)
Well, shuck my corn!!! Production drop off solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been getting two eggs a day for over a week and I was getting ready to cull the flock. Then bush hogging day came and I started clearing out a new section of woods below the house. I found an old dog house with three dozen eggs inside. Can you believe those turd heads!! Fortunately, with all the heat, it was an easy whiff test to tell which were more than a few days old. It actually makes for a great nest, so I'm going to let them keep using it. I didn't think to get a picture before I removed the eggs, but I may give them a few days to lay a dozen or so and post some shots for chuckles.
Boy, did they pull a good one on you. They'll do it every time. Every time I let mine out they would hurry back to the nest to lay - all but one - she liked to jump up in the wagon where Gary kept the hay for his rabbits. She'd wollow out a little nest and I'd have to go hunt her egg before they all went back in.
Does anyone have or know where I can purchase a couple of silver laced wyandottes? I am looking for pullets approximately 2-3 months old. I have been looking for them since early March and cannot find them anywhere (but chickens, generally speaking, aren't advertised very well). I have been religiously checking craig's list and the local peddler. I am in Montgomery county. I would be more than willing to drive, but would prefer to stay within a 50 mile radius (due to the excessive heat and lack of A/C in my car). I don't want to stress the chickens or myself by staying cooped up in a hot car any longer than is necessary. If I can't find them locally, I would be willing to drive to get them, but would wait until fall to do it. Thanks!!
I just wanted to say, I will no longer be giving away free roosters or hens or chicks or anything anymore. I have had a SECOND flipper play me and turn around and sell my birds as if they raised them. I'm sick of it. People, please beware. These particular people even went so far to tell me they are vegitarians because they are such animal lovers. PUH-LEESE. I fell for it and gave them 8 birds and now I'm up late, worried sick and kicking myself. From now on, adoption forms will be made and then I might give them away. I rather butcher a bird than have it passed around like a piece of scrap copper. Who know where they will end up and the liar makes money off the whole deal. I'm sick to my stomach tonight. Sorry to bump in like that, but I'm just sick of it. BTW both flippers were in Monroe County. PM for specifics. I'll give names and numbers in PMs only.

Here is my rant: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=4428488#p4428488
Hello everyone from Tennessee. I was born and raised in Jackson, but I am currently living and working in Memphis (college is the way to go now-a-days right?). I am just now getting into this and I actually plan on starting out with a pair of Silver Wood Ducks. If anyone knows where I may be able to find Wood Ducks or Mandarins in west TN I would love to know.
Good Morning.... I was wondering if anyone local is looking to get rid of a few roos. A friend of mine is in need of roos. She was talking about ordering them from Mcmurray but i figured I could find them easier on here and they would probably be better birds. Anyway.... send me a PM if anyone is interested.

Thank You,

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