
To far away. Story of my life.
Since the TN thread hasn't been talked on much this week, I'll say something. So to all those who helped me find chicks for my lone EE chick thanks again, unfortunatley last night got cold and we had no heat on and the 90W light was insufficient to keep them warm and the 3 D'uccle chicks I got, squished my EE baby. I still have the 3 D'uccles but I'm extremely saddened this morning.
We are very much in need of a white silkie roo. I have a Frizzle hen and a silkie hen and a sizzle hen and the only white roo I have is a ablack splash. I very much need a white roo. My frizzle is in with the Sizzle roo and that is a no no I hear. Also my sizzle hen (which I thought was a roo) can't go in with the sizzle roo either. My house chicken which is the one I thought was a roo laid "her" first egg today. I suspected it because "she" started doing the "squat" thing this week. So now I have a hen called George.

We plan to make a road trip this weekend but not real far away. We can go as far as Nashville and we live in West Tennessee. We can go to other states but as long as it can be a 1 day round trip, no longer than 4 hours away from us.

Also, my girls are small so if somebody has a roo that isn't a big fella but old enough to fertilize I'll take him. If anybody has something please PM me. DH will be working next weekend and if I take the trip during the week it will have to be closer than 4 hours or maybe somebody can meet me.
Thanks, as soon as I posted earlier I went to check on the new arrivals and one of my RIR chicks was on its back in the water dish!
I scooped it out and it was still breathing, but cold to the touch! So, I grabbed a towel and started drying it off and had the red heat lamp right next to it. I put it back in the brooder and checked on it every 5 minutes! After an hour I went out and couldn't tell which one it was, so yeah not having the best of luck this week, but at least it survived!

Did I mention the other day I found out my hens had a secret nest? 13 EGGS!!! I was like OMG! But all my hens are young so no broodies to set on them so I gave the eggs to my neighbor with a warning. I'd say they'd only been there for 4 days... They were all big brown eggs too, I was soo mad at my chickens.
i practically gave away my wholesilkie flock to a BYCer in Kingston... he said he was going to get rid of some of the roos. They were all white and not show quality... but they were roos!!

They got loose at the McDs... long story short, dog scared them, they knocked the door open to the cage and I think 5 or 6 got out and were running about. It was embarrassing, but we got them.

And did you know how polite and kind people are? They just stopped and stared and one guy just told us (while the silkies are all running free) "I wish I had my camera" - looking back I should have said back "I wish you would help us" back.

Stang.... sorry to hear about your EE. My new broody sebright killed her first chick yesterday, so the second one today I grabbed up and gave to my OEG and she took it right in!!! That is the best broody girl I have ever seen or even heard of! She never has laid one egg (she is 2) and doesn't need any warning to hatch or raise.
When there where people giving away silkie roos like crazy I didn't have transportation to go and get one but now I do. I could put the girls with the black splash roo but I want to keep them white. It would be interesting to find out what the frizzle would turn out with that roo. She has the black gene. I may just put her in there with him. DH needs to build another pen or split the silkie pen in half. It's plenty big and it's not like we would be adding any, just splitting them up. But they pick on George (ette). I thought she was a he, but she showed me different today.

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