
Actually, Jenski, you may have discovered a cool new product- edible boots. Bedazzle them with BOSS or grapes and stand back. You could sell them either to your chicken loving friends or your non-chicken loving enemies. HA!
In the summer I wear crocs all the time, well unless it's wet or muddy. The chickens are always pecking at my feet thru the holes. I had a pair of orange ones and the roos hated them. They would attack my feet like it was life or death. I had to stop wearing them and get another color. They where "Tennesee" orange.
Yeah, mine go crazy when I paint my toe nails red. I wear crocs as well and the chickies love the little holes.
Re: holes in shoes and red toenail polish, I learned to avoid those long ago.

This icky weather has been hard on my hands. I keep scratching myself when I'm numb cold and discover it either when I see blood or I come inside and wash up. I started worrying a couple of the scratches were getting infected and I didn't want to "waste" that many Band-aids and end up looking like one of my kids just discovered a new box of bandages. You parents of anybody older than a toddler know exactly what THAT looks like. So...

I put on The Purple Gloves of Death! After rubbing triple antibiotic on like it was hand lotion, I donned the purple non-latex gloves and went out to work on the chick yard. The guineas were terrified of me. One wave and they went shrieking in the other direction. The September Babies acted interested in my hands... until I tried to pick one up. All sixty babies ran away. The adult roosters weren't too keen on the gloves, even if I was on the other side of the fence.

When I returned to the house, I peeled off the poo-encrusted gloves. My hands were still clean and I was grateful that all that "stuff" was not in my scratches.

Maybe I should look for a different color for my next box of gloves?
Oh yeah, I can't use my nice box of blue medical gloves out in the pens. . . my birds are terrified of them. "It's not NATURAL, Mama!!"

Nice and mild over here this morning . . . my birds are pretty quiet and mellow, despite the overhead drama of the starling migration. Had around 40+ doves and a gorgeous pair of woodpeckers at the feeder this morning, too. Juncos are starting to show up - - they always come with the snow here.

The wild birds here often try to get into my pens to dine with my chickens, but I had not realized they were picking up on some of the other advantages of the sweet life of the spoiled suburban bird . . . until I realized the house finches that moved onto the front porch were spending cold nights perched up in the wisteria branches right next to a nice warm porch light! Mrs. Finch had a nice spot about an inch from the light, which stays on all night.

Yessiree, exciting stuff going on around here!

[CityGirl, I'm not completely sure my birds would know where to stop munching with edible boots. . .
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bikechick, thanks for sharing pics of your sweet new babies. Dear me, I do love those fuzzy little bottoms!

Shifting into final holiday mode here, so I am checking in one more time today to wish you all a very, very safe, happy, blessed, and beautiful holiday weekend. Thank you all for your wisdom and wit, and for sharing your experiences with all of us here so that this nutty forum feels like an online home.

May you all be showered with the very finest blessings, and may you enjoy peace, love and all the delicious warm feelings the holidays can bring.


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