
I want to make some oatmeal for the chickens this morning, there was frost on the ground and kinda feel bad for them. How much should i make for about 10 birds?
took a lot of good pics today! just gotta get them uploaded! i think i got everyone covered this time!
So i went to work on these a bit this morning, and there was no memory cards in the camera!
. gonna be gone all day today, but i guess will try to get some more soon! bah!!
I want to make some oatmeal for the chickens this morning, there was frost on the ground and kinda feel bad for them. How much should i make for about 10 birds?

I mixed up a 1/2 cup per bird, Dood. Warmed up some milk and tossed in a touch of molasses (1 tbsp for the whole mess). I used steel cut oats, though.

So i went to work on these a bit this morning, and there was no memory cards in the camera!
. gonna be gone all day today, but i guess will try to get some more soon! bah!!
I don't know who started it, but it seems whenever my DH drives off to leave in the morning the egg song goes up. The first few times I went to check for an egg, there wasn't one. I don't know why they do this but it sure is funny that as he is leaving all the birds start yelling and the cats are sitting at the gate watching him. He asked me this morning if I abused them while he was gone. I told him that I don't and they must be cheering because they know that until he leaves I won't come see them.
I don't know who started it, but it seems whenever my DH drives off to leave in the morning the egg song goes up. The first few times I went to check for an egg, there wasn't one. I don't know why they do this but it sure is funny that as he is leaving all the birds start yelling and the cats are sitting at the gate watching him. He asked me this morning if I abused them while he was gone. I told him that I don't and they must be cheering because they know that until he leaves I won't come see them.
I want to make some oatmeal for the chickens this morning, there was frost on the ground and kinda feel bad for them. How much should i make for about 10 birds?

you would have really felt bad for the free ranging birds I had .. covered in ice (we had an ice storm that night) and frozen on the top of the metal gate where they decided to roost.. lol.. they thawed out just fine!
(and nope.. i didn't fix them warm oatmeal!... but I'm mean like that)
So bright and early this morning.. about 17 (give or take.. i lost count) assorted heritage turkey eggs hopped a ride to the post office.. they are moving to go (hopefully) live with Chucklecluck...

I'm going to be waiting with anticipation to see how many little poults end up popping out of those eggs.. lol..

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