
Does anyone know where i can find a egrable timetable for us here in texas. I found a couple online but they were all for like boston and other northernareas where the growing season isnt near as long as ours. I am kinda hoping to plant something/anything over the summer to just see how the soil is. Anyideas for a late summer planting?

I've been going by what the locals tell me and the backs of the seed packs as the A&M extension office hasn't updated its listing in over 5 years. I would recommend trying zucchini, hot weather beans like kidney, or golden wax beans. Both need trellises though. Also, now is the time to put in pumpkins for Halloween. I've got my 2nd set of sugar snap peas sprouting and almost ready for planting, but I have no idea how they will do. Cherry tomatoes are a sure fire for almost any time of year around here, they grow wild for me now that I've had them more than one season. Also, if you're looking to become self sufficient, don't buy seed from the store. Its more than likely from Monsanto and they have proprietary rights to those seeds, meaning they can sue you and take everything you own if you gather seed from those plants. I recommend www.highmowingseeds.com Its pricey (really pricey for some of their seeds) but its a one time investment and they even have listings on how to gather seeds from everything they sell and then some. Shipping was quick too. The only company I buy from in the stores is Seeds of Change, they're organic and part of the safe seed pledge. Kinda hard to find them though, Walmart is the only place I see them regularly. We aren't that close to 100% independence either, just a coop and a garden, not even a well.

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