
Oh, I know your feeling! I have 4 silkies and when I get a multiple day, I get all excited!!! There has been 2 times in the last year that I actually got 3 eggs... It was like a miracle, I was so excited.... I really think my girls spend as much time broody as they do laying... right now, is the first time since January that I actually do not have a broody girl... so.... I am thinking ... maybe I will have another 3 ...or dare I say out loud, a 4 egg day!

holy crap there is wet stuff falling down from the sky!!!! what is this strange substance????
I wont believe it till i see it!

I hope it makes it corsicana way. Thats where im from ..obviously... just saying hi to all the other fellow texans. Anyone near corsicana? Im not gonna read 258 pages or whatever this thread is long.
I have Turkens, it is the only birds I have left in the breeding pens. The heat doesn't bother them.
Everybody else is running loose.

PS we had 9 drops of water today!!!!!
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It isn't difficult at all to have chickens in Houston provided you have a big enough yard. The coop must be 100 feet from a neighbors house. Not the property line, but the actual house. It mentions nothing about roosters but I'm pretty sure noise ordinances take care of any too loud. And no more than 30 on a 65x125 or less lot. The actual wording is here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewforum.php?id=37 posts 2 through 9.
Wow, The people in Houston must have some really big yards. I thought it was strict when they changed San Antoniofrom 20 to 50 feet from neighbors homes... I am just barely 51 feet from one of my neighbors. But Houston can have lots more chickens than we can!

Thanks for sending me the link!


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