
Well, yesterday was our first 2-egg day from the chickens. We have 4 hens (and 1 roo) and got the first egg last Saturday. Total production was 6 eggs in the first week of laying. Not bad for my little bantam girls!
Welcome one and all.

But my goodness it is just
Keeping these animals cool is wearing me out.
I heard Dallas got a little rain last night. I know we haven't had any in over 8 weeks.
Boy you aint kiddin...i put frozen juice bottles in there run and fill their water every day with ice and water! I also have a large pear tree, i puree them and mix with the powder that they alway mange not to eat spray egg carton with a little pam then scoop mixture and freeze that for treats!!
"RAIN"?.. what is this "RAIN" you speak of?.... never heard of such a thing....


We actually have few clouds around us, and I heard some thunder a few hours ago..but you never know. We did get some good rain last week, boy did the grass perk up!

~ Aspen
So who in the central Texas area has LF fertile eggs for sale/trade? I know there is a fella (is it Josh?) in SA that has some. Anyone else?
Is there anyone on BYC that is from the HOUSTON AREA that has a few PET silkies or maybe other PET chickens that would be willing to talk to a newspaper writer?

Last week, our San Antonio Express and News did a page article on my girls. The Houston Chronicle wants to run a similar article but needs to find some people in the Houston area with a similar situations. I told him I didn't know anyone but I would look and see what I could find.

The article is about keeping chickens as PETS in urban and suburban -like environments, just like dogs and cats...

I don't think I am allowed to post the link on BYC but it can be googled w anything like "San Antonio Hens in the hood" or anything like that if you want to see what kind of situation they are looking for.

If you think you might be interested or you know someone, please email me at [email protected] or you can try messaging me on here but I am pretty sorry at figuring out how to get messages and answer message in BYC. Just tell me a little about your chickens and your situation so I can pass it on.

BTW, can anyone tell me what the current ordinances are on having chickens in the Houston area? For some reason I was thinking that Houston was a lot more eco-friendly than San Antonio but I keep seeing how hard it is to legally have pet chickens in Houston...

Kim Rocha

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