
Hey Everyone,

I'm in Alvin. It's south of Houston, north of Galveston and dry, dry, dry. The cool front came through yesterday and the little ones that I had just moved to the barn are NOT happy about it. I'm 'mother' to 3 miniature horses, numerous pygmy goats and a couple of Nubians, two Westies, one GP, and a couple dozen various chickens. I have a pair of Buff Orps, 4 BCM's, 5 Salmon Faverolles, 3 EE's, a B Australorp hen, about a half-dozen new mutt peeps, and ONE baby SG DORKING! Hoping to expand the Dorkings and Fav's.

Seems the cool weather has stirred up the 'yotes... heard them howling waaay too close last night. Thank goodness for the Pyr! Even though she's still a young'un, she's big and intimidating and already knows her job.

Take care!
Oooh Dorkings! It took me forever to decide between Dorkings and Delaware and I choose Delaware. But the eggs are in the mail, no delaware just yet.

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