
I finally finished my temp run for my ducklings. Finally out of the garage for during the day. It was only 3 days and that was long enough! I will be working on their house this week and not looking forward to it because of the heat.

As long as they aren't huddling together they'll probably be okay. Haven't had a light on the guineas in over a week. They're not much older.

Lost four guineas today to a snake. Thanks to my dog Blue there is no more snake to speak of. Good boy Blue.

On the bright side my rose is booming.
What kind of snake is that? I can't tell by the picture.

Since The Ladies started laying, we've fairly consistently gotten 4 eggs per day. Since we had 5 hens of the same age, we were a bit stumped as to the missing egg. I've regularly searched the yard for a hidden clutch...nothing. I've looked for signs for a predator...nothing. Today, my husband went to check on The Ladies & The Girls and found Olive (the only Lady we've yet to see lay an egg) in the nesting box. Shortly after she was done he went to check for an egg, only to find an emptied shell. Looks like Olive may have recently began laying (a late bloomer) and probably freaked and ate her first egg. We've never found emptied shells before, so we think this is all a new development. Hopefully she stops...her egg was a lovely pale green (a shade completely different from our other EE's...Goldie's pale blue and Shed's medium blue/green).
Sometimes in the heat of the day, I set my sprinkler up next to the run and turn it on really low. They seem to like it, so yours might actually like a cool shower! My mom's hens will stand in a water pan to cool off but mine won't. So they get sprinklers instead. This heat is brutal. I'm more worried about them now than I was when it was in the teens this past winter.

Good idea!
I had to bring one of my girls in today. She insisted on laying in the laundry room again. Its an add on, so theres no a/c and I had the dryer going. She was panting so hard I thought she'd have a heart attack.
So miss Eloise got to come in for some AC...she did NOT want to go back out lol. But I did not want little chicken surprises in my bedroom...

Hello, I am in Parker county Texas..


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