
Sometimes in the heat of the day, I set my sprinkler up next to the run and turn it on really low. They seem to like it, so yours might actually like a cool shower! My mom's hens will stand in a water pan to cool off but mine won't. So they get sprinklers instead. This heat is brutal. I'm more worried about them now than I was when it was in the teens this past winter.
An idea worth the try....We been spraying the chicken house roof with the hose every afternoon...it really makes a difference for awhile. Then we dump and flush their kiddie pool. they love to walk in the muddy water and peck for stuff but that;s the extend of them actually getting wet. When I tried misting them they just ran, but they seem to like the damp ground. I agree the heat is worse than the cold. Only three big and two bantam eggs today. , oh and one fairy egg under the big hens' roost.
Thanks, feeling better now, but not 100% yet. Had to fix a major water leak today, which required pulling the water heater out to reach leak. Not a good way to spend a Sunday, much less mt birthday. Was planning on being lazy today, but someone had other plans for me.
Welcome back....sorry to hear you've not been well. Nope not a good thing to deal with...water leaks are such a pain. Happy birthday also!! Hope your tomorrow is better.
DH just came in from the night check to tell me that 2 of our 6 week old chicks (the ones I just posted pics of a couple days ago) are dead. They're not bloody or tore up, but both their heads and upper body were wet. They didn't drown, They're too big. Something bad happened in the chicken house.

One was outside the grow pen, so was out in the main chicken house. They best we can figure is that another chicken flew over the top of their pen (over 6 ft) maybe to get the ears of corn we gave them all today. Then terrorized the chicks in the growpen, maybe forcing the one over the top where the big chickens ganged up on it, because he found it behind the water platform nearly buried in the litter.

The other was little Patch, she was the one that survived nearly being pecked to death at hatch. She was still in the growpen. Don't know, maybe she killed herself trying to avoid whoever got inside their pen. Really sucks because they were getting so big and healthy. We built our chickens a fortress to protect them from outside and they get killed inside their own house.

When we asked the chickens what happened we got a lot of "Not me" and "I don't know" and "I didn't see a thing, I was in the yard" for responses, so they were no help. It's a mystery we'll never know the answer to...just part of having chickens I guess.
DH just came in from the night check to tell me that 2 of our 6 week old chicks (the ones I just posted pics of a couple days ago) are dead. They're not bloody or tore up, but both their heads and upper body were wet. They didn't drown, They're too big. Something bad happened in the chicken house.

One was outside the grow pen, so was out in the main chicken house. They best we can figure is that another chicken flew over the top of their pen (over 6 ft) maybe to get the ears of corn we gave them all today. Then terrorized the chicks in the growpen, maybe forcing the one over the top where the big chickens ganged up on it, because he found it behind the water platform nearly buried in the litter.

The other was little Patch, she was the one that survived nearly being pecked to death at hatch. She was still in the growpen. Don't know, maybe she killed herself trying to avoid whoever got inside their pen. Really sucks because they were getting so big and healthy. We built our chickens a fortress to protect them from outside and they get killed inside their own house.

When we asked the chickens what happened we got a lot of "Not me" and "I don't know" and "I didn't see a thing, I was in the yard" for responses, so they were no help. It's a mystery we'll never know the answer to...just part of having chickens I guess.
:( Sorry about your chicks....I hope you figure it out, or at least don't have any more surprises..
DH just came in from the night check to tell me that 2 of our 6 week old chicks (the ones I just posted pics of a couple days ago) are dead.  They're not bloody or tore up, but both their heads and upper body were wet.  They didn't drown, They're too big.  Something bad happened in the chicken house.

One was outside the grow pen, so was out in the main chicken house. They best we can figure is that another chicken flew over the top of their pen (over 6 ft) maybe to get the ears of corn we gave them all today.  Then terrorized the chicks in the growpen, maybe  forcing the one over the top where the big chickens ganged up on it, because he found it behind the water platform nearly buried in the litter.

The other was little Patch, she was the one that survived nearly being pecked to death at hatch.  She was still in the growpen.  Don't know, maybe she killed herself trying to avoid whoever got inside their pen. Really sucks because they were getting so big and healthy.  We built our chickens a fortress to protect them from outside and they get killed inside their own house.

When we asked the chickens what happened we got a lot of "Not me" and "I don't know" and "I didn't see a thing, I was in the yard" for responses, so they were no help.  It's a mystery we'll never know the answer to...just part of having chickens I guess. :idunno

Just the heads were wet? Like slobber wet? Could have been an overly ambitious snake. Might have killed them but been too small to get them down. Poor chickies. :-(
Just the heads were wet? Like slobber wet? Could have been an overly ambitious snake. Might have killed them but been too small to get them down. Poor chickies. :-(
That was one of our first thoughts but could not find any place a snake big enough to get them could get in. These were 6 wks old, so pretty good size. Turned on the lights and did a through search last night...nothing. We knew the chicks could get out over the top of the pen because one had done it before so, a big chicken could have gotten into the pen. They weren't slimy, just wet. My guess is they got wet trying to avoid the threat by hiding behind the water platform, running around it and through it, but still doesn't explain why only upper body and head was wet. I would have thought there would be more damage if the chickens had killed them but only a couple of little spots on them.

Scene of the crime...

What you can't see is the wire only goes up 6 feet there is about a foot gap between that and the ceiling. This was taken about 2 weeks ago. The chick that was out of the pen was found behind the water platform on the left. Anyway thanks for the input...we'll probably never know.

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