
I've already sprouted some sunflower seeds. I hope it's not to early.

Nah, if you make sure to water the ground just before it looks like there may be any temps in the 30s, and cover the plants, they'll be ok. Cutting the bottoms off of milk jugs make good cloches to put over seedlings in cold weather. and if you keep the jug lids, you can take the lids off to let heat escape during the day if the temp warms up to the 50s or so on a sunny day. For larger stuff, throwing a sheet or a burlap sack, just about anything really, to hold the humidity and warmth in around the plant and keep water from getting on the leaves to freeze, and they will be fine. We use plastic covered hoop houses in winter that are not heated, and we can keep stuff alive, if not growing, all winter as long as the plants stay covered and get water before really cold temps that dip down below freezing for us.
Hey all, I'm looking for ducklings in the San Antonio area. I'd prefer sexed, but willing to gamble with straight run. However I really want any combination of the following breads - any tips?
I dont start seeds early except for tomatoes and peppers... Otherwise, everything gets direct seeded. I also had to do some pruning. We had three post oaks that had to come down and a few more that needed pruning. The timber was used to frame my potato patch and my asparagus and strawberry beds. The rest will become firewood and mulch for the garden. We're all about using what's available to us. We've got chard, broccoli, cabbage, kale, two kinds of lettuce, garlic, spinach, collards and carrots going strong and recently planted potatoes, asparagus, strawberries, chives, and a peach tree. Would like to get some more berries going if time permits. My girls love all the activity in the garden because they get all the weeds and creepy crawlies I run across. lol They repay me in eggs and compost!! lol
We got our first duck egg yesterday and another today! Looks like we are in business. So exciting!!! It came from my new cayuga who has been here for 1 week today. Guess she likes it here. She hadn't started laying yet this year so I figured with the new home it would be a while. So glad she likes us :)
We got our first duck egg yesterday and another today! Looks like we are in business. So exciting!!! It came from my new cayuga who has been here for 1 week today. Guess she likes it here. She hadn't started laying yet this year so I figured with the new home it would be a while. So glad she likes us :)

It's so hard to tell in pictures... Is her egg tinted? Aren't Cayuga eggs typically gray?
It's so hard to tell in pictures... Is her egg tinted? Aren't Cayuga eggs typically gray?

It's a greenish grey. They can lay a range of colors from black to green to light grey. It's just the bloom that is colored though. The eggs themselves are all white. They are usually darker at the start of laying and get lighter as time goes on. Or at least I've been told. This was yesterday
Howdy Y'all! I am so excited to find all my Texas peeps on here! I live in Granbury Texas. It's half an hour south west of Fort Worth! Any Granbury peeps out there? I am brand new to chicken raising. I have been on BYC for several months now preparing for my arrivals! I picked up my first chicks on Tuesday! They are 3 days old today! I have 3 buff orpingtons, 2 Rhode Island reds and 2 production reds. I am hoping to get a few Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas and a Maran. Any tips or advice would be welcomed.

Howdy Y'all!  I am so excited to find all my Texas peeps on here!  I live in Granbury Texas.  It's half an hour south west of Fort Worth!  Any Granbury peeps out there?  I am brand new to chicken raising.  I have been on BYC for several months now preparing for my arrivals!  I picked up my first chicks on Tuesday!  They are 3 days old today! I have 3 buff orpingtons, 2 Rhode Island reds and 2 production reds. I am hoping to get a few Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas and a Maran.  Any tips or advice would be welcomed.

Welcome! I know nothing about chickens so no help. Now if you get some ducks...

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