
Not rural. We are actually in a very urban area. Last year we had one snake and a few scorpions. I have 2 large dogs that tend to keep things like that away. I'm hoping this is a one off. But, just in case I want to be prepared.
Not rural. We are actually in a very urban area. Last year we had one snake and a few scorpions. I have 2 large dogs that tend to keep things like that away. I'm hoping this is a one off. But, just in case I want to be prepared.
You can always have animal control take care of it. We had them come out and get one off of our front porch last year.
I wish we had a good animal control system out here. We're several miles out of town and they pretty much ignore things that go on out here. The three S's are a common practice out here.
I am a little over 12 miles outside of town and have two vacant houses sitting on two acres each east of me. A convenient place to dump unwanted pets and turn around and go back to town.
It's only one S here and that is shoot. Shovel and shut up is not needed. I hate irresponsible pet owners with a passion!!!
Our local SPCA wants $35 per animal brought in so that is not a happening thing. Feral dogs are my main problem and why I have a Fort Knox coop and electric poultry netting.

I don't know that animal control would come out for that. It's hard to get them to come out for anything! But, break a city code and Code Compliance will be here in a heartbeat.
I don't know that animal control would come out for that. It's hard to get them to come out for anything! But, break a city code and Code Compliance will be here in a heartbeat.

Taking care of a rattlesnake is as simple as grabbing a hoe and cutting its head off!!! Then you skin it and cut it up into bite size pieces and bread it and fry it!!
Tastes like chicken!! Mmmmm Gooood

Taking care of a rattlesnake is as simple as grabbing a hoe and cutting its head off!!! Then you skin it and cut it up into bite size pieces and bread it and fry it!!
Tastes like chicken!! Mmmmm Gooood


Beware of the head, it can kill you even in death.

Also, cut up pieces move for a long time and will continue to strike at you. Its pretty cool.
I grew up in south Texas. Seen some big rattlers down there. Once we killed the snake it would open its mouth and keep it open till something got in it. We would get a stick big enough for it to latch onto. The head would clamp down on the stick and would not let go.

Five footers were common and I have seen a few about seven feet.

Mostly what we get at Dads are all five foot and over. I have the record of 7'2" without its head. My brother has the longest without head and rattle at 7'3". The rattle on that thing was 5" was. Its not common, but, there are some "rattle boas" down there. That's what we jokingly call them.
Mostly what we get at Dads are all five foot and over. I have the record of 7'2" without its head. My brother has the longest without head and rattle at 7'3". The rattle on that thing was 5" was. Its not common, but, there are some "rattle boas" down there. That's what we jokingly call them.

I don't know what I would do with one that big. The one yesterday was a little guy still around 2 feet long. After my husband got home last night he proceeded to put the .22 by the door with rat shot in it.

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